I am on a 12 hour 2moro. Gunna ask my work to start giving me a tuesday off so its the same day each week, i work in care to. I only pay 30 for my lipotrim????? X x
I am on a 12 hour 2moro. Gunna ask my work to start giving me a tuesday off so its the same day each week, i work in care to. I only pay 30 for my lipotrim????? X x

We are ripped off over here in Norn Iron and in the SOuth of Ireland I think its more expensive, yeah works out £7.50 a day here. If it was £30 that would be great, I try to stash some cash some cash away in a drawer (if my daughter doesnt find it lol) for my shakes as getting paid monthly can be a pain.

I save money by not buying Diet Coke so that covers my shakes as the weekly shopping still has to be done with my 20 litres of water in the trolley lol
Ha ha, ye thats why ireland can bevexpensive cant it. I put my money in an envalope when i get paid and hide it and that makes sure that i cant stay on it and that it dont get to the 2Nd week of the month and av ran out. I find cooking nice meals for my other half comforts me ha x
We arent as bad as the South of Ireland as its all Euros down there and the rate is wick. My chum says to give it to her to mind for me but knowing her she would spend it at bingo lol. Its really hard cooking for others even fish fingers are looking delicious to me now and the kids cover their dinner plates with their hands so they dont tempt me lol
Good luck today everyone! :cross:
I'm Hoping for some sort of loss. Have struggled this week, even with drinking water and have been feeling sick and dizzy and generally feeling sorry for myself. Still determined to get to my goal weight asap so am hoping that this week has just been a blip on the weight loss journey (I'm sure last week's small landlocked my confidence :confused:). Anyway, moan over and looking forward to some good losses from the Tuesday gang!
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Good luck everyone:)
Good luck to all my fellow tuesday weighers. Hope you all get the losses u deserve, i am getting weighedv2moro as i am in work all day but will log on later to congratulate you all x x
Lost 6lbs whoop


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Congrats! A brilliant loss! I'm weighing in later, would love a loss like yours but have struggled this week! You are doing so well! :0clapper:
Just been weight lost 2.5lbs that's the lowest loss I've had but its still a loss! 2.5lbs off 2 stone wooooo bring on week 6 xx
Well done :)
Hey everyone, Just back from my weigh in and I've lost 4 pounds :) Congrats to other Tuesday weighers on their weight loss! :p
Well done everyone for your weight losses, lipotrim all the way guys and we will all be skinny minis soon lol x x x
Well done people :) ive stayed the same this week as i went onto maintenance,was hoping for a loss but better than putting on! :)
Hi guys i lost 5lb this week so thats a total of 20lb in 3 weeks so am chuffed, been suffering from excessive saliva and terrible breath so pharmasist gave me the mint drops to try just hope it works x
Hi guys i lost 5lb this week so thats a total of 20lb in 3 weeks so am chuffed, been suffering from excessive saliva and terrible breath so pharmasist gave me the mint drops to try just hope it works x

Well sone you :bighug:
Ahh thanks debbie, another week ahead i cant believe how quick the time is going its mad only seams like yesturday i started ha x
I know heres hoping this week goes quickx roll on next weigh in chick and our next weigh in :) i got a new id pass in work and the difference is showing whoop 1375911907590.jpg