Full Member
Aw cheers honey!! I started mid febuary this year!! I love the pp system too! The weight just seemed to fall off me at the start but has slowed down now!! I am enjoying losing weight while still allowing myself to have a social life and a treat iykwim!! So it will probably be slow the rest of the way!! Was trying to look for pics of you but you don't seem to have any yet xxx
oh and I have another stone off since my after photo lol xxx
hehe, you sound exactly like me!! great being able to loose weight and still have the social life. we stayed in on saturday night and had a bottle of rose wine all to myself along with a bag of lfc crisps and i still had the 3 lb off!! Love it!!! its not like a diet at all, just copping on to what im eating!! but no more then yourself, i've seriously slowed down!! it used to be 3lb off one week, 2.5 off the next one but now im down to loosing 1 lb one week etc. Its still coming off tho so im not complaining, i just know that its going to take a fair while before i reach my target but i'll get there!
no i dont have any pictures up yet but i will soon once i sort them out! will let u know when they are!