Tummy tuck help :)

The application for finding has been sent off on 12/3/14, with a letter from the surgeon and doctor enclosed... Can you tell me how long you waited to hear? Xxx
Hello! I waited about 3 weeks for letter back which was unsuccessful and then when I applied second time I heard back within a week with agreement to funding, fingers crossed for you. Each PCT is different so don't stress yourself!! Xx
Dr got a letter back asking for some more details and my signature so that was getting reposted. Good sign? Wasn't a straight no? :/ look on the bright side.... Lol xxx
Newest photo of my scar! 13 month post op x (excuse the jarmies haha)


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Wow! Not heard anymore yet, :/ just waiting.. You look amazing! Xxx
Gosh 13 months already! I remember you enquiring about it :)
Looks lovely! Your so skinny :D

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I know it has! I'm doing alright thanks, due a little boy in just over 3 weeks so the whole weightloss stooped with that!
Gained a lot but not too bad in some cases.. a lot less with sticking to sw though!!
How are you getting on? X

Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins
I know it has! I'm doing alright thanks, due a little boy in just over 3 weeks so the whole weightloss stooped with that! Gained a lot but not too bad in some cases.. a lot less with sticking to sw though!! How are you getting on? X Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins
3 weeks to go!!!! Woweeee!! I bet you cannot wait!! How much has time flown?!? It can only be expected to gain a little in pregnancy!! Bet you can't wait to hold your beautiful baby boy :D Everything is okay with me! Same old, my girls are growing up too fast, my youngest turns 5 in a couple of month and my oldest is 6 going on 16! She came home from school today and said 'mum I have some exciting news' and I said 'what's the news?!' And she said 'I am inlove with Thomas!' A little boy in her class!!! Year 1 and in love haha!!! X