Silver Member
Hiya - I turned 39 last week and up until the day I felt ok about it, on my birthday though I woke up at 4.30am and just thought 'is this it?' This is the last year I can say I am in my 30's, I am not married, no kids, I live with a guy and we have been engaged for years but we have never set the date to get married, I can't imagine having kids now at my age and I feel like I haven't achieved anything yet. I have a good job, am well respected (as far as I know) by my colleagues, I get to travel regularly to the overseas offices but still feel like I have missed something out in life. Last week when I tried to tell people how I was feeling everyone just kept saying I was being silly and it would all be fine but to be honest I am already dreading next January when I turn 40, maybe I am slightly depressed, I don't feel it though and I don't feel like I have any reason to be, is this all normal?