tweetys fresh start

thursday 21 october Red day

never do a red day as i am an ee girl but thought for a change , really struggled in geting the 2 hex a and b to much planning !!!!!!!

28g cheese

250g milk
hexb: 1 asda wholemeal pitta
" " " "

breakfast: egg
cheerios ( 5 syns)

break: apple

lunch: tuna salad with 24g lighter than lighter mayo ( 1.5 syns)
dinner :hexb x2 , ham, chicken , mayo (ltl=1.5)hexa cheese
hexa milk

Syns: mayo: =3
:confused:not sure how today will go syn wise as i am going out for lunch with friend hopefully ther will be something on the menu i can incorporate
with sw:confused:

hexa :250g milk
hexb:28g honey nut shredded wheat

breakfast : banana
28g cheerios(5 syns)

lunch : sweet chlli chicken panini (synn value ????) with coleslaw and salad.

dinner: pasta n sauce with hexa
mullerand apple

syns:cheerios 5
velvet crunch=4
pannani ?
am guessing about 30 syns in all .
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