Sounds like you are doing great on the running, keep it up hun. This social thing of yours sounds great, your out having fun and I have taken up crochet!! LOL!
Sorry to disappoint you H, I lost 3lbs this week So another shiny seven is mine and I'm 6lbs away from losing 50lb's ... which is amazing!!
Had a great weekend last week, the bbq went VERY well, even had a snog!!!!
House was valued on Monday and was about 10k more than we hoped for which is fab news, so the selling starts now, I've already spent hours surfing estate agents looking for my new place - am excited to move on with my life now ... but still a bit sad my old one ended how it did - but c'est la vive!
I've really noticed a big different in my size the last few weeks, suddenly feel a lot smaller which is fantastic, and given me a lot more confidence (as did the snog lol).
I've got tons to do at work, and I'm off tomorrow so will get on to it and come back tonight to catch up on diaries.
Just trying to catch up having been AWOL for ages! Gosh your so close to 50lbs you could almost touch it!!! Dont worry bout your losses slowing up if you've just started a walk/run programme - that happened to me for about 3/4 weeks and then it fell off and I know it's happened to a few others. Glad your noticing the shape changing though. Hope your having a lovely weekend.