Well back from WI and I need HELP!
Somehow I stayed the same ... so that's 2 weeks of 100% with a result of 0.5lbs loss!!
Leader suggested dropping down to 25 points for the week (I'm on 27 at the moment), but I said I was losing more when I was 28 points, and that when I don't do 100% I seem to lose.
So what do I do?? Do I do a week of 25 points? Or do I do a week of 28 points ... or do I carry on as I am and pray for a miracle lol
I know everyone has blips, but at 19st+ surely it shouldn't be this difficult yet? I'm worried if I go down to 25 points it will be a slippery slide and I'll be down to the minimum before I need to, with nowhere to go.
Luckily I was prepared for the sts or small loss, so I'm not that unhappy ... just frustrated and want to see the damn scales move!!!!!!
Help me pleeeease