Twiggy's Diary

Hope you're having a lovely Sunday and Squishy is looking after you! "Fish are friends, not food!"



haha that made me and Squishy laugh xxxx

Hi Twigs hope you are ok, have a great week. Any news on the scum bags that stole your car - the last I heard they were in intensive care (shame!!)

Nope not heard anything yet ... hopefully they're still in a lot of pain!

Hope your week will not be too stressful Twigs but it sounds as if you had a nice relaxing weekend


Trying to keep on top of things this week so fingers crossed I will be un-stressed :)

sounds like a fab weekend - tsk on the too drunk male though.. tell him what for! ;) then again, sometimes they're better when theyre out of action haha.. no bother then, are they? :D

hope you had a nice weekend anyway.. cant believe its over a week since our meet! Roll on the next one :D x

LOL well I could watch Enchanted again - so I was happy :D

Yep - roll on the next one ... anyone set a date yet?

Hi twiggs its another new time flies when you are having fun.

Any guesses as to how you will do at weigh in this week?x

Fingers crossed I'm hoping for 2lbs ... so will get (and this time keep!) my 2 stone again and my 10% yay

Hope this week goes well for you Twigs! Glad to hear your cold is improving:D
When is your WI?

Cold miracously disappeared on Sunday ... not a trace of it left - weird (but in a good way!). WI is Wednesday evening :)

Thanks for all the lovely visits :)

I'm still sticking 100% to the diet, so hoping for a nice loss this week to take me permanatnly over that 2 stone mark ... my 4th silver seven has been on and off this page 2 times now ... so it needs to come back and stay now :)

Ohhh has anyone seen a "Kindle" it's an electronic book thing ... DH is getting me one for Xmas ... I can't wait, It's the perfect gift for me, I love reading and I love gadgets :)

Hope everyone had a great Monday!

ooo I'm going to have to google that now to see what it is! What a nice Squishy :D

Glad to hear the cold has one hun and hope your week is less stressful

Luv ya

ooh Kindles.. theyre the american e-book readers that have just become available in the UK right? :D i was eyeing up the electronic Sony readers available from Waterstones but its worth waiting a bit longer cause the choice of books will be more by xmas :D

you can get something like 200 books on a kindle cant you? how cool is that.. well jealous.. am i right in thinking you can get them in cool colours (such as hot pink to match your camera? ;))
ooh Kindles.. theyre the american e-book readers that have just become available in the UK right? :D i was eyeing up the electronic Sony readers available from Waterstones but its worth waiting a bit longer cause the choice of books will be more by xmas :D

you can get something like 200 books on a kindle cant you? how cool is that.. well jealous.. am i right in thinking you can get them in cool colours (such as hot pink to match your camera? ;))

Apparantly you can get 1500 books on them!?! not sure about the colours tho lol
woooooah im obviously well out lol :p gunna go amazon it and see :D
ooh, the bigger one holds 3500?! how cool is that.. could you ever read that many books?
Oh, you trendy young thing you with your gadgets....

I am a right old fashioned git....I just love the smell of books - and licking my finger as I turn the page - and turning over the corners - and leaving them lying around to pick up randomly......a bit of a luddite when it comes to new technology I'm afraid
lol - i'm so anal with books - NEVER fold the corners & try not to bend the spines - need to get out more me thinks......
Probably could read 3500 books - I read fast ... but probably won't as I love re-reading my faves :D

Rosie - I have every gadget going, but I know what you mean about books - I have them everywhere, I'm reading about 4 different ones at the moment lol
i try my best to keep them pristine then get really upset when i accidentally sit on on the book and ruin it :(
It seems that the Kindle is taking the US by storm - Oprah gave one to every audience member I think!

I have a Sony e-reader but my shortest daughter 'borrowed' it and I haven't had chance of it since:( Did get to read one book before she nobbled it and it was real easy to use, lighter than the book would have been and much easier on the eyes:) I really should wear my glasses more methinks
Morning all

Another busy day today, I remember the days when I could spend an hour on here every morning before working ... now it's a snatched 5 mins here and there :( Hopefully it'll settle down again soon.

Anyway - haven't been adding my food diary every day like I promised, but apart from a few Jelly Beans yesterday, I've been on track, and looking forward to a nice loss and my 10% tonight YAY

Will catch up with everyone laters

All the best for tonights weigh in twiggs!

How can you read 4 books at once? i would spend 10minutes getting back into each one,remembering the story(just) & most prob getting them all mixed up! x
good luck for WI :D you'll be fab! xxx
Books ooooohhhhh what a delightful thought. I'm with both corners, i love the feel of a book the patterns words make on the page, the smell, the excitement of a new one yet to be opened and old favourites to be revisited. BUT I love the idea of the kindle especially when I'm away so light to pack etc. Yep gonna get me one of those definitely. Lucky you what an Xmas pressie. 3500 books at your finger tips ..

Now back to the cruel world of reality good luck for the wi Twigs and lets glue that silver seven down this time.

Good luck
