Silver Member
Hey u are so close in the 9's now u lucky lady youI've had the same problem all bunged up I have had action last time woke me out of my deep sleep and now all cleared again it's from tesco's £3 get some ASAP take 2 before bed. Dulcolax pick Peres they are tiny balls.
You have done so well I can't wait to be So close to goal like u are.
Keep smiling. X
Well I still haven't gone lol,so thank you for the Dulcolax tip.I'll probably grab some today if I can.
You will get there soon hun.How much is it you need to lose now?(Your stats are always the same,so don't know lol).I'm sure you'll be there in no time at all.LT is such a difficult journey,yet when you get closer to goal,it's an amazing feeling but we're only human and can still get thrown off by temptations(as I know only too well),but I suppose I'm at the stage now that I'm so close to goal that I desperately don't want to mess up.Keep strong hunny and I'm always here xxx