Nearly the end of day 12 and booming with confidence that I can actually do this.I had my second weigh in today and to my amazement,I lost 4 lbs in 5 days,needless to say,I'm very happy with that result

.So that's now 11lbs off.
I have struggled a bit with hunger today and made my family another dinner that I love,spaghetti bolognese,it was hard to resist,but I did get through it.I didn't see much eating going on in the office today,so no nicely wafting smell of MD's,thank god.
I'm absolutely freezing right now,so I'm going shopping in a minute,then coming home to snuggle in bed.
I asked my lovely LT lady exactly when she wants me to come off of LT,so she looked up my 'ideal weight' and apparently it's 9stone 11lbs,not 9stone 1lb,as I've had stuck in my head,so she reckons she'll take me off in about 2-3 wks,so I am panicking a little bit,as I was hoping to lose a bit more,just so I had an allowance to sway a few lbs here and there for any social events that may come my way in the near future.I have booked my next weigh in for next Friday,so 10 days away and I know she can't take me off of LT,as she has someone covering for her,as she won't be working,so I know I have at least 17 days left on LT but I suppose it also depends on how much weight I've lost between now and then and I may even lose a bit more weight when I go to refeeding anyway,so not too much of a problem.
To prepare myself,I'm going shopping in a minute and I'm going to stock up on 'healthy' ready meals,to train myself back into 'portion size' when I start refeeding,oh and lots and lots of chicken and fish.I may even get out my WW cook books and start trying new things out before I finish LT,just to get me into the habit of cooking decent healthy food,although at the moment,even though I do get the hunger pangs,food doesn't seem very appealling to me at all,but I'll have to do it at some point.
As I now have 10 days til weigh in,my goal is going to be 6lbs,which I think is very achieveable and if that's the weight I lose,then that will officially be the lightest I have been in about 15 yrs and hopefully I'll fit more comfortably into my size 12 jeans,that I have to force myself into at the moment.
Well,as it's nearly the end of day 12,I say roll on day 13
I hope everyone has had a great day x