Be strong and be positive about yourself then you are on the way to resolving your difficulties. You have to look after yourself and make sure you are healthy and equipped to face whatever is happening. No matter how bad this is, it won't last forever. I've had my fair share of cr*p, including divorce, money problems (debts left in my name as a result of my ex husband's gambling), bereavement, work problems and more. I know that at the time it is horrible but I have always come through in the end. I'll never be 100% free of the debts but I have a good job (even if I am the only woman in the management team and have fight my corner a lot), I have a hose and I have 2 sons who even though they both decided to leave uni after only one year are healthy and will eventually do OK. I know it is difficult but staying strong for yourself is vital. I still cry easily but I have learnt you have to keep strong and persist to get through adversities. Sorry for rambling. Hope this helps,