This time its personal!!
Day 10! Double figures again, yay! Feeling good this morning and ready for the day ahead
I've just realised I forgot to have my 3rd pack last night, this is only the 3rd time since starting Exante but can't believe I just toddled straight off to bed without having it. I think some bouillon and coke zero will be helping me today.
I'm feeling slim today but also quite constipated again (sorry for the tmi). My waist and bum still look and feel like they need to catch up with the rest of me but hopefully I can work on that starting at the end of March.
The plan for today is to buy a cooker and a mattress and have it delivered to the new house on Friday and then blast my way through the rest of the packing. There's really not much left to do now but it's panicking me a bit that there is still stuff to do. I don't know what I'm going to be like in a few wks when I won't have such a busy life lol. Keeping busy has definitely been the key to my success so far, so I'm guessing the new house will always be immaculate just because I'll need something to do
I'm already looking forward to weigh in on Sunday, if I find the scales by then, as I'm really hoping to be in the better half of the 11's, 1.5lbs is all I need to lose to just make it, so that's my goal for this week.
I hope you all have a great day and keep strongxx
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You did better than me..... I realised as I was hitting bed last night that I had only had one in two seperate sittings - not good :sigh:
As for your target this week - you should smash that with all you have going on!! :superwoman: