Twinmum's Diary - last time lucky

Thanks guys

Emma - when I used to weigh in at home I had to get my husband to hide the scales as I just couldn't stay off them

I am going to try to point my food and drink from last night as it might not be as bad as I am thinking it will be and anything can be undone with activity
I'm ok so long as I have a cup of tea as soon as I get up, I won't bother peeking if I've eaten or drunk anything lol x
I am just the same. I will lie in bed on a morning dehydrating with a glass of water right next to me but won't drink until I am up,showered, dressed and hair dryed then I can have a cheeky peak on the scales

Off to hobby craft in a second for bit for finishing touches to a weight loss chalkboard I have made to help me chunk my goals down
I have finished my progress/mini target chalkboard and rather proud of it. Think I have attached a pic but never done an attachment before so not sure it will have worked


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Hi hunni popped on your page to subscribe :) Absolutely loving your chalk board, I've got something similar, but you can only write how many lbs lost. you should sell them Xx
Thank you for the lovely comments on my chalkboard. It is on my fridge so I can see it whenever I am rummaging for snacks! I would love to sell them but I am sure there are better ones out there. I like mine with lots of info on though

We have been to morrisons tonight and got lots of bargains. Their WW ready meals are half price along with bread rolls and things, plus their own range is great too so the fridge and freezer are stocked up ready for the start of term on Monday.
Feeling seriously fed up today so am going to sit in my dressing gown and feel sorry for myself. I might build up to a bowl of porridge but am totally grumpy and tired. My husband is driving me crackers and I think I just need to ignore him at the moment as he isn't good for my diet or mood.
Aww sorry you're feeling rubbish :0(
Here's an idea, get showered and dressed and go for a nice walk along a river or round a lake! x
Thanks. I had a bath with the twins, which is far from relaxing but great fun

I have had cheesy spinach bake for lunch, which is my favourite dish ever and half a bar of the tiny green and blacks for 1pp. Have barely moved all day though so my pedometer thinks I have died
Cheesy spinach bake sounds nice. Is it your recipe? X
I'm going to go into my weeklies today and have a few vodkas now at home in front if the telly.
I have a daughter 12 years and a son 22 months! So they are both stressful in different ways lol!
The cheesy spinach is from one of the WW cookbooks, I am totally uncreative when it comes to creating recipes.

Hope you enjoyed your vodka.
I indulged myself in green and blacks last night but stuck within my dailies. I don't want to use weeklies this close to weigh in. I feel very nervous about Tuesday's weigh in, I think because it is a 5 day rather than 7 day weigh in but I feel very tubby
My weigh in is Tuesday evening so looking forward to it so I can get back to full weeks and knowing what is what

I was back at work today and feel like death already, my throat is killing and my head feels like lead. As a result I am less confident than ever about weigh in this week. I used some weeklies on Thursday night but since then I have been on or within my points so I think I just feel tubby because I am under the weather

I need to stop obsessing over it though
Hi chick I'm so sure you're going to do just fine. Definitely think you're stressing too much and if you're feeling unwell that is just never going to do! Like i said before I'm a similar weight and height to you with similar goals, I don't want to be going through this for the rest of mu life, as you say back on it for the LAST TIME!!! I'm in a really positive frame of mind at the mo (don't know if it'll last, haha) but I am quite willing, in the nicest possible way to 'virtually' kick your butt along with mine all the way to that blasted goal. You CAN do it hunni Xx
Thanks you guys. Off to get changed, do a little work and the go weigh in

Fingers crossed
Lost 1lb, bit gutted as I had hoped for more but it was only a 5 day week so pleased it is going in the right direction