Looking on the UK Atkins site at phase three this is a quote from them
Phase 3: Pre-Maintenance – Acceptable Foods List
You should be saying “Wow.” And if you’re not, we’ll say it for you. Wow, you’ve made it to Phase 3
and you know what that means – you’ve almost reached your goal. Now it’s time to slow your weight
loss and find your ACE, Atkins Carbohydrate Equilibrium. And we have a great way to do it – more
variety. Pair these foods, including some whole grains, with the Acceptable Foods lists from Phase 1 and
2 for your total variety eating plan. In Pre-Maintenance, you add 10 daily Net Carbs per week – The
Power of 10 makes it easy. These foods, in these portion sizes, all equal about 10 grams of Net Carbs –
remember, total carbs minus fibre.
Have fun. We know you will.