Unexpected support from the Fates

Why are you living out there in paradise? It sounds lovely! Well.. except for needing to get a boat for days on end to get back out of paradise again. lol. xx

Married OH a couple of years ago. We knew we wanted to have kids asap but we also knew it would be financially hard in London. I wanted to stay home with kids, at least for a few years and hubby was Ok with that but London on 1 salary is tough. He'd worked everywhere - Cambodia, Rwanda, Congo, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Darfur - and reckoned it would make sense for him to find an ex-pat job where I could then stay home and we'd be financially ok. His speciality is developing countries (the politically correct term that seems to have replaced Third World). I was keen on the idea but also adamant that I wasn't willing to be pregnant and raise a small baby anywhere too unstable or unhealthy - OH's former jobs tend to be a list of warzones and places you've generally seen looking pretty unpleasant on the news, not my idea of fun. The job came up here and it was perfect- OH's skills are ideal, the weather is good, local wages are low but everyone has enough to be decently housed, fed and clothed and there is a welfare state and free education and health care. It's politically stable with no malaria or other health nasties. Only drawback is the remoteness but you get used to that. We came out here mid-2007, our son was born early 2008 and we love it. It's everything we hoped for. Our contract here ends in 2010 and we'll be sorry to leave.
This involved an in flight refuelling which was always fun. Becase of the difference in Air speeds between the Victor Tankers and the Hercy baby, the herc had to go into a screaming power dive and the Victor had it's brake lights hard on. Laugh, we laughed our socks off. :(

Yikes! I'm glad we don't have to do that.
Cambodia, Rwanda, Congo, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Darfur -

Now there is a list of places I do not want to go on holiday!!

Am very very bored (hubby playing online poker again.. urghh) so have just had a google.. all very interesting stuff, napolean etc etc lol.

I dont know that I could handle being that isolated, but I suppose its what you are used to. It looks very very pretty though!

I presume your OH was military?

We (my OH) is RAF, could only dream of ending up somewhere like you are though, we are stuck in not so sunny norfolk, lol.

Now there is a list of places I do not want to go on holiday!!

I presume your OH was military?


No, OH is a save-the-world type and likes to feel he does a job which makes a difference so he's spent most of his career working for relief and development charities - that's things like Oxfam and Save the Children - hence the place list! You can see why I didn't fancy that. The Uk govt is signed up to "developing" St H's economy hence there being a job for him here but it's a million miles away from most development jobs, it's a really unique opportunity in his field.