I've been friends with a girl for about 10 years and ive always been known as the 'big one' out of us, shes about a size 12-14 im 18-20 and she hates the fact that im loosing weight to the point that she just ignores me if I mention a good weigh in or a yummy recipe that ive tried, Ive decided that I dont need that bad energy around me and dont see her so often anymore instead I try to spend time with people who encourage me to keep to my plan and get excited about getting to target.
Ive come to the conclusion that she had been so used to always getting more attention than me and me always being around for her that she didn't like the thought of me changing and acheiving something for myself and her not being the centre of attention.
Just be strong for yourself, were all here to encourage you, people dont realise how much words or comments can dishearten you, keep going and show em all wot you really can do!