Unthoughtful people.

Dear mum who right now is eating a huge Indian take away.

What's the fudging point?

Your starving daughter who has been looking after your two year old son all day and already had all three shakes.
Dear best-friend,
Please don't criticise my choice to do Lipotrim, or lose respect for me for it - our friendship's too important to argue over this. Don't make me feel like I'd have to choose between the two, I need your support more than ever.
Dear Boss,

I like you, but stop with the bad attitude!!! Your stressing the whole office out!

Yes I am on a diet!

No No No I don't want fruit, nuts, milky coffees, biscuits, cakes, chocolates!!

Water and shakes it is!! And that's all.

I know it may not be the healthiest, but i have chosen it!!!

I know you say it can't be good long term.... Nor can ignoring the excess weight!!

Please zip it and back off!!! It's none of your business!!

Your most humored employee.
Dear Colleague,
Do I give a flying f@"k if there are 36 chocolate bars in the tin??? the answer is NO I DON'T....so don't shove it in my face again, I am not in the slightest bit interested. Biatch.....
Your Colleague.
And while I'm on a roll.
Dearest Mother,

I am well aware that you have never been on a diet in your entire life. I am also well aware that you weigh 8 frigging stone and can't understand "why I am like I am". Well let me tell you mother, I EAT A LOT, you clearly do not. Big deal that you like chunky chocolate chip cookies and you have a couple every day. Let me tell you that I would eat the whole packet hence my weight issue.
You tell me the same effing thing every time I see you woman, then you frown when I do Lipotrim. Please please stop going on about how you can't put weight on, it really irritates me.
Poor Dad , apparently it's all your fault :eek:
Your loving Daughter.

Been dying to say that:D
Dear friend ... If you don't understand get me to explain don't assume things or patronise me! I am not a child and I have made a conscious decision to change my lifestyle.. Be supportive!
Dear Mother Nature,

I am quite aware that I have insides thank you very much.
But must you twist and squeeze and pummel and cramp them to bits EVERY month??
I mean...COME ON love! Gimme a break!

Kindest regards,

Another Long-Suffering Woman
To the five people who in the last week have told me I have lost too much weight . . . . .

. . . you are a lovely shade of green!
To the dickhead on my Facebook....
You may think right now I wouldn't fit in your rally driving bucket seat even though you are bigger than me... You must be oblivious to the way you look... I will prove you wrong!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Dear Loud Alcoholics who have been right under my apartment window for the last four hours; please go away before bedtime, I have to get up early and finish an assignment >: /
Dear 'First 3 Days on LT,'

YOU SUCK!! First the throat infection and antibiotics - now TOTM arrives?? A heads up on when I'll stand a chance would be awesome, ya w_nkspanner!!

Sincerely looking forward to Day 4,
star :)
Dear 'First 3 Days on LT,'

YOU SUCK!! First the throat infection and antibiotics - now TOTM arrives?? A heads up on when I'll stand a chance would be awesome, ya w_nkspanner!!

Sincerely looking forward to Day 4,
star :)


Hope you feel better today!!!

It's still today - but I've sucked it up and built a bridge!! Ha ha!
Dear Evil Food Demon constantly whispering in my ear,

I DID NOT deserve that chocolate biscuit cake. And saying that it doesn't matter because I've ALREADY caved today
really doesn't help. It's just MORE empty calories on top of what I've already had and thus even MORE ruination
of my diet!
I WANT to lose this weight and it DOES matter to me what others think of me.
So please disappear a.s.a.p and let me do this.

Yours pleadingly,

Dear Evil Food Demon constantly whispering in my ear,

I DID NOT deserve that chocolate biscuit cake. And saying that it doesn't matter because I've ALREADY caved today
really doesn't help. It's just MORE empty calories on top of what I've already had and thus even MORE ruination
of my diet!
I WANT to lose this weight and it DOES matter to me what others think of me.
So please disappear a.s.a.p and let me do this.

Yours pleadingly,


*Supportive hug*
Dear Shi**y Metabolism,

You gave me a false sense of security when I was young and let me eat whatever I wanted without gaining a pound. Then you suddenly decided to pack your bags and leave me to fend for myself with an addiction to crap food that you had allowed me to gain without consequence and a lifestyle that even a sloth would be ashamed of. You didn't even have the decency to die gradually, you just packed up and left overnight. Well f*ck you, and f*ck you society for making tasty food so readily available and putting it just about EVERYWHERE. Oh and f*ck you too mother nature, for making stuff that's bad for you taste good and vice versa. What is WITH that? Why can't salad taste amazing and chocolate taste vile? Wouldn't that have made a whole lot more sense and be a lot more logical? Oh wait, you want to TEST us? LIFE IS VERY SHORT AND IT'S A B*TCH AND YOU CAN'T EVEN LET ME HAVE THE PLEASURE OF EATING TASTY FOOD WITHOUT PAYING FOR IT WITH A LIFETIME OF FAT CHINS AND ENORMOUS HIPS? WELL F*CK YOU.

Yours forever bitter and confused,

Dear best friend, why are you so scared in a stone or so I will weigh less than you and why does it bother you so much?! Also dear friends, why do you keep complimenting me in one breath and then telling me I'll put it all back on when I eat the next? Do you want me to fail?
Dear Housemate,
Nice though it is that you offer to cook me dinner, I've told you a fair few times that I'm on this diet, please don't make it harder for me!
Love, Cuqsuita