Hahaha that's brilliant! I'm a Montessori teacher and today is the last day so there's donuts and apple pies everywhere my manager also brought in a homemade cheesecake! I have been so good so far haven't touched a bit. I'm trying to keep really busy lol!!
I know it's crazy there's only 5pp in a jam donut I woulda always felt guilty for eating a donut and wouldn't think twice about eating a roll with coleslaw etc on it!!
I didn't have one tho as I have wine in the fridge for later and tomorrow I'm goin shopping with my mam and my sister so I Wana have something nice then!!
It's so hard to get the exercise in but once you get back into it you will be flying! I'm goin to fightclub class tonight which will earn me 7pp but I don't use them
Yea it's a very good class and great for burning calories I really enjoy it!! Hope your enjoying your weekend
Enjoy huni weddings are always brill xXx
Go on tell me? Ah sure listen it has to be done the main thing is you enjoyed it and today is a new day
How's everyone's weekend been?
Busy Busy Sweetie! And I used 31 Weeklies on Saturday Night! How's u? X
I'm good thanks I too dipped into weeklies as had my very first BBQ only meat and salad left the bread and snacks out much to my kids disgust lol
I'm sat waiting at docs now as I'm doing so good with my blood sugars they keep hitting the floor :-/
My leader always says if you're craving something have it and point it. If you don't give in you're more likely to pick at other foods for a few hours/days until you give in anyway, and then you've eaten way more than if you just had what you wanted in the first place and pointed it!
I'm quite bad for not pointing certain things. I point 90% of what I eat, but some things I am in denial about and so I think if they don't go on the tracker then they don't count![]()
Apparently it's going to be hot, hot hot by the weekend. I'd like to try a bbq but I'm worried it'll get out of hand. I reigned myself in a bit better at the weekend though and only reached the late 20's of my weekly allowance so I'm pleased about that.
Wow your first BBQ! You did well having only the meat and salad, I also think rolls are a bit of a waste of PP! How did it go at the Docs Sweetie? X
I try to track things as best I can, I find it helps to take a pic of my plate as that helps prick my conscience later! I totally agree about the Cravings, since starting WW I've craved Dominos, Chippy Chips, Avocado and Nachos and I've had each of them! Just not together lol x
Docs went ok been took off some meds, but seeing specialist in a month so will see what he says
My feeling off is just my body pretending that I have v low sugars which are lower than they have been for ages but only "normal" lol