Silver Member
Going for a slap up dinner and on to a shoe. Cant wait !
That typo made me laugh out loud. BF was confused. Ha.
I'm cooking tomorrow night. Parents are away so he's coming here. We can't afford to move in together so we don't get much alone time really. It's always either here with my parents or at his with his flatmates. So he's coming here and Im going to do the steak dish from this month's mag. We'll probably watch a film or something as well. It was his birthday yesterday, and I'd ordered his present online but it's apparently going to be really late so I ended up giving him his Valentine's gifts yesterday instead. He'll get a card tomorrow. It's a nice card.
EDIT: forgot to put how we met:
actually is quite funny. We "went out" in year 7, by which I mean we said we were going out and literally did nothing about it. Didn't even hold hands. Ha. He, mature soul that he was back then, sent me text saying "U R DUMPED HAHA". Was quite funny really. I forgot about it, didn't see him for years. Randomly ran into him in the local club and he apologised for his behaviour years ago, lol. then he added me on facebook and sent me a message saying I was beautiful and stuff. I was at uni. He was hinting he wanted to come visit, I got a bit drunk and invited him up (lol). Was really nervous about it but ended up completely falling for him which was lucky. We'll be together 3 years in may.
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