I FOUND YOU!!!!! Well impressed with myself lol
I'm here to subscribe, bully, cajole, drag, cheer, laugh and applaud you to goal....
It's fantastic that so many newbies are determined to knuckle down and get to losin' at the same time
Welcome, welcome, welcome all!
First: VDub, I've sent you a private message - let me know if you get it okay, I was trying to respond to you on a thread and didn't want you to miss it....
Secondly: The dreaded Weekends! They do get easier - this is different for everybody, but I had the luxury of sleeping as much as possible through the first one - and any distraction therapy you can think of has to ckme into play. My sister gave me a strategy that works: figure out how long it takes for you to get hungry (4 and a half hours to tummy grinding gnawing hunger pangs for me, so I set my phone alarm to go off every 4 hours for me to have my shake) - the human mind holds a random thought for about 4 minutes unless you obsess on it so when those self indulgent, self sabotaging thoughts start up telling you to eat just frantically distract yourself add quickly as possible. To be safe, I know that if I can distract myself for 10 minutes I can chew up that 4 hour block in no time (paint my nails, wash up dishes, load the washing machine, call my Mum or sisters, have a bath, hoover, wash my hair, watch something on telly, surf Minimins etc). It works and keeps you sane for the first couple of difficult weekends....
Let us know how you got on at Weigh In (WI)! And if you want to know anything, just ask... I may not know the answers but I'll try to help xx