19 Feb 2013
Thank you VeggieBev and Baby Tree Trunk.
Lost 1lb - again. I don't want to sound big headed but at group last night the realisation dawned on me that I think I have this sussed. I have never, ever found losing weight easy. Whenever I have joined SW I have done so with a friend or family member, who lose a lot more than me each week, which has put me off course and I've given up. this time I have joined alone and at first things didn't feel any different but now they do. I am cooking lots of different SW meals which I enjoy cooking (and eating), I am eating lots of food and am not ever hungry and have worked out that if I keep the syns low during the week I can have a bit of a cheat and go just over the syns Friday, Sat & Sunday and then I should lose a 1lb. I am also going on the running machine for 30 mins 2-3 times a week so there is that - but to be honest I am actually enjoying that too.
When I did SW in the past I never knew what to expect on WI day - have I put on?, STS? or lost 3lb? It's kind of comforting to know that if I carry on doing what I am doing I should expect to lose a 1lb each week. However, my friend is taking me to Harrods for afternoon tea at the weekend, at which I am going to eat and enjoy everything so will that tip the scales in the wrong direction....... hope not.
Anyway, heres yesterday's diary
2 bread (hex b)
quorn ham
SW quiche (hex a)
Mccains Jacket (1 syn)
2 Quorn pepper grills (1 syn)
steamed mixed veg
Marmite gravy
This is one of my favourite dinners, and so quick!
2 plums
hifi bar (hex b)
Highlights hot choc (2 syns)
Curly Wurly (6 syns)
By the way, I knew I liked baked beans but never realised I ate so many! Mind you, when I was little my first ever dolly was called Bean Juice, so I should have known it was going to be a life long love affair with the Bean.