Hi all
Well it was ½lb on at WI last week which takes me back up to 10st 11lb. Considering I got down to 10st5½lb before Christmas, I'm a bit disappointed in myself. I'm determined to try and get back into the swing of things now that I'm back from London though. I think that knowing I had that to look forward to was putting me off a bit and stopping me from getting my head down and sticking with plan after Christmas/New Year.
I've decided that I'm going to stop going to Group and just try things myself. I really don't think Group helps me and more often than not I'm not even staying these days, I'm only going for WI. £5 per week is a lot to pay to stand on a set of scales when I can easily do it at home! So that's the plan now - I'm going to start weighing in each Tuesday morning from home, starting tomorrow. The £5 per week I'm saving will cover my monthly gym membership so hopefully that'll be money better spent. I suppose the only thing I'm losing out on is access to the website but I'm sure I can find everything I'm looking for either in my books or on here.
I got back from London last night and it was amazeballs!!!! We managed to squeeze loads in which was good but it's left me absolutely exhausted today. We travelled by train on Thursday and got into London around 3pm. We checked into our hotel which was a couple of minutes walk from Earls Court Station. Really nice hotel with small, basic rooms but comfortable and clean which was the main thing. We grabbed a quick pizza for dinner (the weekend was most definitely not on plan!!!) and then took a walk along the Thames, stopping to take loads of pictures of the London Eye, Tower of London, Tower Bridge and Houses of Parliament etc. We walked for ages (so at least I got in some Body Magic!) and got some great photos of everything at night.
On Friday we visited Madame Tussauds and then did some shopping in Oxford Street. At night we had dinner at TGI Friday's then went to see Dirty Dancing, which was fantastic, then went back to TGIs for some cocktails.
Saturday we stopped in at Harrods for a look around then took a river cruise which was a great opportunity for even more photos. At night Colin treated me to an Indian meal, which was ridiculously expensive but definitely worth every penny, then we had a walk around the Marble Arch area before stopping for some drinks. We purposely didn't have desert at dinner so that we could enjoy this midnight feast.....
On Sunday we went to the Dungeons and then a quick walk around Piccadilly before catching the train home. It was a manic 3-4 days but worth every minute. We both had a great time and have already made a list of things we want to do when we go back!
I hope everyone else had a lovely weekend