8 May 2014:
WI and I'm down 500gms! 3 weeks and 3 WIs on conso and loss of 1.3 kgs so far. That's 600gms (1.3lb) away from TW.
My calories since moving to Conso are way too high - I am consuming upwards of 2500 cals a day. Even on my PP day yesterday I hit 2300 cals

The one thing I did different from last week where I STSd was to have my celebration meal in the morning (breakfast pancakes and french toast :drool

. After which I had the whole day to use up that extra food. Also didn't have any toilet issues as a result

So my plan is to continue like this till final May WI on 29 May and see how my body changes. And then going to try something different. Now that I am eating according to the rules (not counting all that high fat stuff

) and getting into the swing of Conso, I am going to experiment with different eating styles (carb cycling for one! thanks Vic

) but staying within the rules while trying these.
Forgot to mention. Took my sis measurements last night. Now she is 4.11 and weighs about 63kg. So no way is she skinny. Slightly overweight at best. However, she fits in to 10s and 12s in most stores.
Her waist and hip measurements are exactly 5 inches less than mine (each)! Just think... in 5 inches time I may fit into size 12s!!!