That really sounds nasty hon, maybe a trip to an internist/GP in the New Year just to see if they can speed up the process/make sure all's okay? This is starting to sound a tad like bronchitis. Don't like the sound of it. I hope that apart from clearing your lungs you're well in yourself and have energy? Have you tried a good old menthol steam inhale (towel over your head, the whole nine yards)?
Stay well gorgeous xx
I have got an appointment with the doc on Thursday - just a regular check up. But will mention to her and see if she thinks I need to do anything.
Apparently, from all I read over the weekend, this is normal and the cough should not be suppressed - let it out is what they say. If accompanied by fever and body pain then its time to see doc.
This is weird and scary, but they also said that if you examine the stuff you cough up, you will see brown/black flecks of tar! And I tried to yesterday - but I'm not coughing up enough!
On another note - a girl in office just now "oh you are wearing heels and looking so good" (i didnt used to wear heels - couldnt take the pain!). I was happy with her comment till she screwed it up with a "now we will see flowers being delivered from your admirers". And I thought - so just coz I was fat you think no one sent me flowers? And now miraculously I've lost weight so the flowers will come calling?
She probably didnt mean it that way - but still pissed me off slightly.
Rant over now.