Gold Member
Oh god, I've just made a cup of tea, now I feel too dirty to drink it!
(*Isobel's back now - having torn a strip off Eric for being norty with my pc*)
Erm - that'll be a first then, Dom, hey babe!!??!?!?
Oh god, I've just made a cup of tea, now I feel too dirty to drink it!
Hope you don't mind crunchy peanut butter....
...Oh Hello Issy, didn't see you there!!
Love the avatar That smiling face always gets my attention.
Love the avatar That smiling face always gets my attention.
DOWN, boy!!! You have software to look after! Keep your mind on the job, fella hehehehehehe!
DOWN, boy!!! You have software to look after! Keep your mind on the job, fella hehehehehehe!
Honey it wasn't just your PC he was norty with!!
Flirty Gertie?!!!!
Peanut butter? So THAT'S what those stains were! Here was I about to suggest Issy try Tena Lady!