hubby is muchos upset with me, he doesnt want me carrying on with lpotrim (as if its no hard enough and than he wants me to come off - like I need an excuse!! lol) we went food shopping for the week n he was upset with me doing it, so I was filling our trolley full of goodies so that if he convinved me to come of it I could scoff them all

how bad is that
well he was very upset and i can totally see his point, hes seen me loose it than put it on so he says the weight loss will neverbe sustainable and he wants me to eat, he says try to lose more if you want (bless him he does not have an issue if I STS, put more on etc, I know he loves me!), but do it with healthy eating and exercse, I even said to him if the tables were turned Id probably be telling him the same thing.
I mean I came on and off lipotrim 5 or 6 times in the space of 6 week putting on 2 stone from my lightest. No wonder he is against it, but I was telling him its not to do with LT or VLCD, it was MY fault, I binged and ate loads, he obviously said no I didnt and i hadnt gone over bpoard with wht I was eating (but you see I was eating and binging in secret!! away from anyones eyes, stuffing my face) and I couldnt admit to him that this is what I was doing.
He says go on to JUDDDif I want, alternate fastng days and Ive been doing alot of research on th diet but dont think I'll lose the last bit of weight with it, I know LT is a gauranteed fool proo method where I WILL lose weght. i am worried with JUDDD I won't.
He has agreed reluctanlty (not that I need his permission! but it meands he wont be in a constant grump) to carry on till next Friday, do my refeed and than start JUDDD.
Well I dont know if I will last till then! (I bleeding well hope I do) but Im just going to cross that bridge when I come to it. im all in a pickle now, just had my coconut lipotrim flpjack. Must get through today, Since my restart Ive not done a full week, so if I get through tomorrow It will be a full week of no cheating, I'm hoping I can stay strong as I know once the first week has passed it will be easier.
part of me says just start refeed tonight and then do JUDDD, I don't knw.
and also in terms of targte weight I have never evr been in the 8's my whole adult life, I maintaing a while at 9stone ( a couple of years - than got married and the weight piled on). I dont know if I will ever be able to maintaing at 8.7stone (I loved being able to look in the mirron at that weight and be able to tell myslef I was slim!!- even though I had lots of blobby bits!!), i dont know if I can maintaing that as I never gave myself the chance, As soon as I got to targt I ate and binged, streted lipotrim, stopped, binged etc and the cylce contnued.
boohoo, feel all in a pickle now!! if anyones interested, and I would love your thoughts Vic having come from Cambride, but below are my stats that ive just updated my signature with, I feel gutted as after my initail falling of the bandwagon, and I was 8st 10, I should have just tried to maintain there but I actually wanted to get to 8st 4lb so I had a neat 4 stone loss. Feels stupid now and feel so gutted at having completley let myslef go,
Aftr week 21 round one tThe next few weeks were on and off lipotrim making me go up to 10st 7.5lbs, I restarted last week Tuesday, so first weigh in a couple of days. I did weigh this morning and Im 9st.11.5lb