Silver Member
Hey Shini, still holding off, having dinner at 8ish can't wait! How r u doing? x
shrinkin'violet said:Hey Shini, still holding off, having dinner at 8ish can't wait! How r u doing? x
shrinkin'violet said:Off to the wedding in the morn! Decided on the floral dress
My little rat bag of a boy is refusing to wear a shirt though grrrrr! Bought him ever such a cute shirt and tie and tried it on him this eve and he just cried and cried shouting 'off'have no idea what to put him in now! We don't usually do smart clothes! Luckily he's so gorgeous he'll get away with it
Time for beauty sleep zzzzz x
shrinkin'violet said:Weighing in the morn Shini, I'll let u know! Not expecting much mind you, will be happy with 1lb after coming off plan for the wedding! Xxx
shrinkin'violet said:Back to 11st! So down 2lbs overall which is goodNow to push on and get below 11!!!!! It's going to be a good day x
bettiesrevenge said:Weerrl there lady,
I have been missing in action for a while, but I see you have lost another 2lb and are going home...well, I ams super jealous on both counts I am afraid. That said, I am off to Adana in two weeks so maybe it will be sunny there!
I need to get my butt in gear to loose this flab before then - how realistic is that I ask myself? Well you and shini did high numbers in week 1 of SS back on plan didnt you, so maybe I should try that!