My LLC has pointed out several times that people without weight problems have a weight that fluctuates naturally, and that they put on weight (for example on holiday) and then lose it by cutting back.
But if they do, then 'normal' people, as opposed to those who eat to appease the scales, do this cutting back naturally. They don't think about it.
I don't really see how CBT can stop you putting on a few pounds when you eat out on holiday for 2 weeks - even if you eat carefully!
My husband and 2 sons don't put on weight over a holiday. In fact, my DH can't understand why you would. He thinks exactly the opposite...that you should possibly lose if you haven't got 'weight issues'. My sons feel like that too. I drag them to the restaurants and cafes to fill my need...not theirs. For them, though the food is good, it is a bit of a hassle to stop what you're doing to eat.
I do believe, that I'm beginning to got that way too

Love my food and all that, but it's just a minor part in my life. I eat to live, rather than living to eat.
Assuming you will put on weight on holiday, and will need to get it off, is really a dieting mindset. Very common, and certainly suggests to me that food issues are still prevalent. If that's the case, then in my opinion, the issues need sorting more than anything.
Dieting to me is a bit like a smoker who buys cough mixture for the cough = someone overweight going on a diet. Of course, many people smoke, notice the cough, buy the cough mixture, it gets better, they continue to smoke, cough gets bad again....more mixture.
Then that person decides to have therapy to stop smoking. Cough disappears, but they are going on holiday, and of course, many ex-smokers want a holiday from their quit, whereas a non-smoker will have a fine enough time without the need of a fag.
So do we prepare the cough mixture for the ex-smoker assuming he will smoke on holiday? That's what it sounds like your doing.
Of're not the only one
Poeple do it all the time in dangerous ways - slimfast, starvation, vinegar and honey, miracle cabbage soup.
I wouldn't say that slimfast was dangerous. Not that I would chose it mind you.
In my line of work it is sometimes very difficult not to eat and it is often in hotels/restaurants/pubs where you are at the mercy of the chef.
How easy it is will depend on how 'cured' you are.
so surely a real-food VLCD would be better for the odd week or two than going back onto chemical mixes??
Ah, but I wouldn't advocate going on a VLCD chemical mix or real-food.
If your body works well when in ketosis, then there should be no issue in transferring straight to your "normal" diet afterwards.
My knowledge of ketosis is limited to the basics. I must admit though that I have never heard of a ketogenic diet that doesn't have a gradual increase in carbs at the end of it. I know that if I cut my carbs, the scales do scare me to death when I introduce them again.
he diet I suggest will be what I would probably be eating normally, but with some of the "bad" stuff left out (carbs).
:cry: I love carbs. Consider many to be very healthy.
This will not be damaging psychologically for me, though I can see that going back on the packs might be for some people that have not understood their relationship with food.
Ah, I see. So basically, you understand that you have an eating problem. You know your relationship with food is still out of balance?
This is not yo-yo dieting it is just cutting back to keep trim.
Um. But cutting back in the harshest of ways. Eating less that your body needs. I just wonder how necessary this would be.
If you have evidence of ketosis being dangerous when used for a couple of weeks in people with a BMI of 25 or below, I'd really like to see it please as it would affect my plans. Is there anything like this?
I don't. I assume it wouldn't be dangerous. I do feel though that you could do with working on a little more of the head stuff though