hey guys i did my final weigh in for this challenge and i lost 2lbs so im very pleased i finally lost the 10lbs i put on over the summer now its the real hard work ...i want to THANK YOU all so much for the last 4 weeks it has been fantastic...I wish you all lots of success in this journey it is hard but we will get there...I would love to do another challenge like this after everyone has had their final weigh in this week?? sa89, alex, lalalou, jane-d,ness any anyone else i havent mentioned what do u think??
Sa89 - Thank you so much for your kind words.. much apreciated.. people like you guys on this forum somewhat makes it a little easier..Everyone has done so well so proud of you all.. keep it going and i will come online to see eevryones weigh ins..
keep it going - we can do it!!