Thanks for that ladies, am liking the image of 40 tetras - that is a really vivd description.
Am not counting the last 24 hours as I went out to celebrate a colleagues wedding last night and it was to a vegetarian Indian restaurant so there were sauces and popadoms and breads. Then today is a write off - working from home, sat in the kitchen on my work laptop was a recipe for disaster. Anyway onwards and downwards, I have stopped now and tomorrow is another day.
WI was great, 4lbs in 2 weeks with the girls lunch and vals evening mixed in so am chuffed with that. I have the booklets for 810 and 1000, have bought tuna, chicken, veg and cottage cheese in preparation.
For some reason (probably carb and sugar related) I can hardly keep my eyes open. Went for a lovely but cold walk with the dog at about 3 but since then just want to snooze!
Hope everyone has a great weekend, whatever it is you are up to. Big hugs all round xxx