hi girls
sorry havent been on much have had a mad weekend, was at a wedding reception on friday and then family day and shopping rest of the weekend
but my weekend was ok, went out to dinner on friday before the wedding reception and had salmon, mash root veg (no butter) champ (no butter) and at the recepton I had 3 west coast coolers (think there 7 syns each

sat went out for dinner/lunch had chicken breasts grilled, large salad and baked potato (no butter),
sunday was chilli and rice and butternut squash soup, am still trying to do success express to get my self over the last week and half of eating terribly, am hoping for even sts or just like 0.5lb on tomorrow
today I have tuna and large salad for lunch, strawberries and grapefruit for breakfast and dinner is gammon steak, mushroom, tomatoes and egg

or might pop into tesco and see do they have any nice fish
what do u guys think like small sw fry or fish and veg
thanks Kerry I did feel good on that weekend and am very pleased with the photos graphs I dont think that there is one that am uncomfortable with, which is a change for me usually I hate them all
yum kerry ur weekend sounds fab and bbq, I love those am going to get the mag tomorrow was there lots of nice things in it ? well done on the 1.5lb off thats fantastic, go u, do u think it was having weekly syns that made the difference
well done hannah on the hot cross buns, that was brill go u

how many syns are in one of those I love them lol woohooooooo size 12 bridemaid dress that fab and u never no u might have to get it taken in

thats brill motivation
have a gd day