On the plus side, I finally fit into my onesie!! Perfect for ketosis feeling of coldness!! Wooooooooooop!!
Can just see you nice and slim out in your onesie walking your poor fat dog! Fat because he/ she has been eating all the food you don't want to.
Mere x
Good luck for WI tomorrow. I love labs, what colour is she and what is her name?
My nephew has a chocolate lab who is the most obedient big soft lump I have ever met.
Mere x
This week I have lost 3lb. Quite happy with that seeing as it has been my TOTM! Onwards and downwards!
I just love that picture of you and your dog.Thanks Mere
She is called Millie and she is a black lab. She's adorable! Yeah they are such lumps- she sits on my lap thinking she's a Chihuahua! But labs are so affectionate arn't they!
I'll post a little pic of us View attachment 78578
So I saw on another post you were a teacher? Im in my third year of primary teaching! What year group/stage did you teach?
I just love that picture of you and your dog.
When I qualified I taught infants. I left teaching for 10 years to bring up my son and daughter. In that time I did voluntary work teaching 16 to 18 year olds to read and count. I went back to teaching when my daughter was 11 and started teaching deaf children.
I worked in a special school with older profoundly deaf sign language users. Loved the job but was head hunted to join the peripatetic service so ended up teaching all age groups from babies of 6 months to kids in their last year of school doing highers (A Levels).
The child in my avatar picture was one of my pupils who is profoundly deaf, she is now 5 and I keep in touch with the family. I wish you well in your future career it is a great job.
Mere x