Thanks Minnie
I am having a very lazy day after feeling exhausted in the gym yesterday. Hubby is just back from a 5 hour cycle ride and wants to go out somewhere after his shower so I guess my slobbing about day is about to end.
Hope you are having a good day and enjoying the sunshine.
Mere x
Thanks ED- definatley hoping for the 12's! Though wish I could whoosh straight through the .10 .11 .12 and .13 because thats where it gets really exciting. You've done so well to zoom straight to 12.9- a good number missing those double digits You must be so pleased about you BMI now as well. xx
You will be there in no time and you could whoooosh straight in!
I didnt zoom straight to 12st 9lbs though! I weighed in at 13st 1lb week 6, then this week 7 WI was 12st 12lb (Tuesday only just gone!) then after the most stressful day i had this year with that nasty girl, i weighed on Thursday just gone and was down to 12st 9lbs so a 3lb loss in those 2 days of upset. Was definitely down to the stress
My BMI is still overweight until i reach 11st 5lbs! xx
Mere I'm not suprised yor exhausted- you little gym slave! Sometimes its nice to have a day of slobbing around the house but equally its nice to get outinto the sunshine while we have some!
Two days into week 8- can you believe that is nearly 2 months?!
I forgot to say what little pressie I got from my Mum to mark the next stone loss; some lovely strawberry dream shower and bath creme and a gorgeous floral summer scarf!
Had another telling off from the Wii this morning! Deary me!
Off to the cinema today with a friend to see Beautiful Creatures. They do coke zero in my local cinema so will have some of that and a bar. I need to get back to having 3 exante products as y'day I had 2 and a no carb high protein meal which is fine as I'm not going to put weight on but just need to get back to routine after this weekend.
I also booked my holiday last night!! Pushing the boat out a little with a 5 star hotel as the OH and I haven't been on holiday together and we've been together for 4.5years! Also I haven't been on hol since I was 17! I guess its a reward for my weightloss- the ultimate goal- as my weight has always held me back from going away somewhere hot.
What a lucky person you are surrounded by people who love and support you. Your pressie sounds lovely and a 5 star holiday somewhere hot is intriguing me!
Have a lovely day.
Mere x
Ahh Mere I am SUPER excited!! I just hope that I will get to my goal by then as thats the only thing holding me back!
I went to the cinema and really stressed myself out that the coke zero wasn't actually coke zero. I guess I just am so paranoid but I do feel like I'm not in ketosis as I'm actually feeling hungry this afternoon. Settling the craving with a vanilla shake.
Anyway, thought it was time to upload PHOTO progress!! Arrrh!
I know theres a difference in the clothes I'm wearing in both pics and OH is bad his angles (my legs look even shorter than usual ) but think even still theres some difference between the pics?
Thanks Harry I like seeing photo evidence- just wish I'd done a side one as well and a undies shot- for my own benefit
Think I'm going to have a little loss this week- haven't drank enough water and I'm convinced I'm not in ketosis. Let's hope it shifts in the next 4 days!!
Thanks guys, its not until you see it in pictures that it actually becomes believable. I guess we look at ourselves everyday so it's hard for us to really know just by looking what we've lost and where its come from! Well thats for me anyway. Like, I obviously know I have lost weight but some days I feel the same weight and have a real fat day then other days I really notice the difference in myself. I guess I know I still have a long way to go so I either see the glass half empty or half full- depending whether I'm having a fat or thin day!
On a positive note, I made £61.36 on 12 out of 15 items I put on ebay! So happy with that! That means the few odds and ends I've bought recently has come from that with some left over! Going to keep relisting the bits that didnt sell and put a few bits on when I lose a bit more weight. I have just spent the last hour packing everything! I hope people don't mind me reusing some of the packaging. I know other people do it and I have a huge pile so I decided to do the same.
Back early from my INSET day so thought I'd have a quick read before I catch up with a bit of work for tomorrow.
On my 3rd 750ml already- good to be back in routine! Only trouble about being back earlier is this is normally prime munching time though normally keep myself busy at work to avoid this difficult time!
Haven't weighing myself since friday- will be a suprise Friday- Dad's still staying with us and he goes Wednesday so by then I may as well not have a sneak peek and for the first time not do a cheeky preview!
I got lots of comments back at work today- I've only not seen the girls from work for a week and only lost 4lb in that time but got a far bigger reaction then losing the 24lb before half term! What a difference a week away makes!
Hi Minnie always nice to receive compliments. Maybe because your colleagues see you day out day in they did not notice the weight difference but when they didn't see you for a week it was then obvious. Can you imagine what the comments will be when you return after the Easter hols!
Mere x
Yeah perhaps your right Mere. That is true about the Easter Hols!! Unless the Easter bunny forces easter eggs down my throat I'm not a massive chocolate lover so I am confident I will resist- would much rather have a cheese sarnie and a packet of crisps!
Can you imagine after the summer hols!? Now that will be interesting
Im hungry too
But thats because its day one for me again
A nice cup of tea for me, to keep me going
You know you have to keep going this now Minnie, so have some water, tea, coffee, bouillion...whatever