You always make me smile
I genuinely think that if anyone was searching for an Inspirational Exante'er to follow, It would be you.
I don't even view you as someone who was big and has lost loads of weight anymore, It feels like you are naturally a slim person in your actions and thoughts and always have been. You have done so incredibly well I don't know if you even realise how much you have changed. How sensible you are, it's as though you think like a slim person and always have been a skinny minnie.
It's hard to believe you ate anything naughty before, ever, let alone too much. Or that you were ever 16st. You are so sooooo good, so clued up, so disciplined, so healthy, happy, and just lovely. It's what, almost week 23 or is week 23 (always get confused on that still) and you Havnt had any binges. What you have eaten, is like rabbit food, yet you still feel bad and naughty for that. I'd say that was amazing, and a brilliant thing not a bad thing... Because what it shows is how much of a psychological change you have made, and how solid you will be keeping the weight off. I'd bet anything that you will be a complete lifelong success
You just have an excellent view on foods, your choices are always perfect but you feel bad for them. Give yourself some credit you have done amazing from day one and are still doing so! I know though that from complete TS, you may feel you are losing control but do remember that you are eating excellent stuff! Put me to utter shame!! You are brilliant.
Well done on the choices over the weekend. You go out with friends partying and only have water, even in a posh glass! That's how dedicated you are, Thats how much you have changed. You could have binged 4000 calories a day every day over the weekend plus booze, nobody could have stopped you or done anything, even know about it, but you didn't and haven't because you didn't want to. You choose practically WS meals and count it as falling off the wagon lol! You haven't deviated from plan you mad head!
I don't think I'm there yet. My Yorkshire trip showed me I still like the junk sometimes! You, on the other hand, are just a star! You will be just fine. Don't beat yourself up, You've done fab. Keep that control you have and all is going t be well, You'll be at goal in no time! The foods you chose may even boost your metabolism, giving a nice result Friday, don't stress!
I know its not really the foods you've eaten that is bothering you, It's the fear of not being able to get back into only doing 3 packs a day, that feeling of lost control. But you will

Thats if you want to and don't decide on WS anyway, either way there is no stopping you and I think you're fab xx