Want to get pregnant but on Depo-Provera - how long did it take you / anyone you know


Full Member
Hey everyone,

Just want some advice.

I am on Depo-Provera and have had about 4 shots now, Me and my BF have decided we want to have another and i wanted to know how long it would take me to get pregnant my next shot is due 17th June and that will be 11 weeks since i had my last one.

How long did it take you to get pregnant after stopping this contraception. A year seems way too long for me am hoping a month or two at the most. I am the most inpatient person you will ever get to know lol.

Please give me all the advise you can give as when i googled this it didn't give me a straight answer and would like to know from someone elses experience??


MrsMe xXx
Personally, it took me about a year or so...BUT i'd been on the injection for the best part of 3.5 years, so took a while to get out of my system.
Saying that, i think it varies for each person, so don't lose heart because of my experience!!

Good luck TTC!! I wish you all the best! xxxxxx