We can walk 100 miles

Hi Angela and welcome xxx

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Thank you x

Another 2 done this afternoon with 2 heavy bags of shopping - does that count as extra!!!
12 done - 88 to go to 100 miles.

Angela x
Angelajane and Mariavon, brilliant effort, keep it up! I've not stopped either , I will post stats back on here, carrying heavy shopping definitely counts as extra. Do not give in, keep the walking regular, lets see how far we go. I've got up to 4 mile trail run in woods, at dusk and had deer running in front of me but I still do 3 miles walking to and from station every day. It all counts and stacks up.
119 miles cycled, 12 more hilly miles today, 131 miles total.

195 miles jogged and walked, another 5 (5.3 to be exact!) on road run, another 2 walked, 7 done, total 202 ( (500 last year))


202 miles walked and jogged, 2 miles walked and 5 cold wet windy slippery muddy off road miles jogged, 7 more today, 209 done (500 lat year)
Angelajane and Mariavon well done, great progress! Keep it going. I'm loving it.

221 miles walked and jogged, 5 more jogged ( hard after yesterdays bike ride) 1 more walked 227 total 500 (last year)

131 miles cycled, 46 more miles yesterday 177 miles total.

Yesterdays club ride with SaN Fairy Ann CC, B+ group was really good, I failed at One Tree Hill had to dismount as my eggs ran out if steam , me and Mark Cavendish don't like hills! I made it to more than half way up but still not enough in my legs yet, only 3 of us dismounted, well done te rest of the group and how I envy a. " grainny ring". 46 more mile in my legs, that's got to help. Had a big chunk of flap jack and 2 Americanos at the cafe stop in a lovely garden centre.
4 miles walked so far this week - 70 miles to go - have to post every couple of days or I forget what i've done!
Angela x
I post usually after I've completed each walk , your doing great

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I walk the kids to school when i can & it's a mile each way. If I havn't got to go to work I sometimes do a couple of laps of the park on my way back - it's amazing how it adds up!
It certainly does , I've been slacking a bit had pain in my knee so taking it easy , but I miss not going out for a walk every night after work, was doing 6 mile every night, hope to get back to doing a bit more soon , x

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6 done on Sunday after work,

390 done, 110 to go to 500,

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