Weather stress!!!

Only about 1cm with us, tho a village 5 miles away is impassable and my sister north of Scarboro has 6"! The local radio said Scarboro and York were gridlocked this morning. We have more forecast for later in the week.

Don't you just love global warming?
At work, we aren't allowed to refer to it as 'global warming' any more because it's misleading lol! Got to be 'climate change'.

It's still snowing here. Hasn't stopped all day. It's much lighter now though. Just wait til it turns to ice, that will be fun!

Jay - I've just seen your patch on the telly!

Southerners be warned...get to the supermarket today if you can!
Now dont get me wrong because i love the snow but it has really p**sed me off today :mad:

I have to get the tram to Eccles from where i live but 1/2 way there (after waiting 40 mins for a tram) the driver announces that the Eccles service has been suspended and the tram will be running to Altrincham only :mad:

I get into town centre, loads of shops havent even opened and there are swarms of people everywhere.

Buses to Eccles also suspended :mad:

I had no other way of getting to work so had to call in, on the 2ND DAY OF MY NEW JOB :eek::eek::cry:

When i spoke to HR though 16 (including me) of our 20 new starters couldnt come in today and our trainer was snowed in so induction had been suspended anyway - phew!!!

My OH is giving me a lift tomorrow and we are giving it 3 hours to get there as we need to tackle the M60, should be fun!
Hi Sticky, sorry to hear about the snow and the grit, the phrase p*ss up in a brewerery couldn't organise spring to mind lol. Thats councils for ya.
Hope your sister goes on ok, but don't worry, I had full pre eclampsia with all three of mine and all though they were all 6 weeks early, I still had a home birth and everything was great. The midwife was stressed but she was the only one out of a housefull, so don't let them panic or worry her about it. Women have been having babies for sometime now quite happily lol. They put themselves first and not the mother, and worry about everything incase they get sued, but she will be fine. Good news that she lives near a farm, if the worst happens I'm sure the farmer has a bit of experience of deliveries, Just don't let him put the baby in the sheep dip lol.
The M60 was moving today round by the M62 to the M67 area but had 30 mph restrictions. I hope you get to work tomorrow.
yea defo , if you live down south , go and get your shopping tonight

i live in northwest cheshire and we had it pretty bad, did attempt to get to work but no one was moving, appently only 6 ppl got to work in a 3 storey building lol, my b/f got sent home as he was the same too

im dreading when it turns to ice, it will be even worse
When my sister had her first baby, they had to get a snowplough out to get the Dr to her! The baby is a strapping fireman now.
It started snowing lightly in Reading town centre about 4.15 p.m., so I hopped on the next bus home. Now it is snowing steadily, but not all that heavily - about half an inch maybe. So far!!!!

I don't have to go out anywhere tomorrow, and don't have to get my car out of the garage until Saturday. My poor sister had an accident in her car this morning, nothing serious, but very scary when it slid right across to the wrong side of the road.

Stay warm and safe, everyone.
Blimey, just looked again and its a good few inches thick out there already, and that's in an hour, jeeeese! Ilive in the south btw, OH was convinced it wouldn't snow lol Xx
It's nearly 2 in the morning and finally it seems to have stopped snowing here. But there is a lot more to come, according to the forecast. We have about 4-5 inches at the moment. I'm off to bed now - I have a date with a duvet and electric blanket and a good book!
It's nearly 2 in the morning and finally it seems to have stopped snowing here. But there is a lot more to come, according to the forecast. We have about 4-5 inches at the moment. I'm off to bed now - I have a date with a duvet and electric blanket and a good book!

Crikey! We are lucky here as hardly any snow in comparison. Though having said that, the NW wasn't due snow yesterday or last night, and we woke up to a scattering (more than early this week when we were due snow) and my sister has 2 inches (she gets it worse as in a valley whereas I'm closer to coast). And it's snowing still despite weather saying sunny lol! Our main issue at the moment is ice on the roads. The junction into the village was sheet ice last night and as we turned onto the road slid sideways some way (thankfully OH was driving). Many junctions where non gritted roads meet gritted roads seem to be dodgy already so hoping they don't run out of grit as feared!

Hope everyone with snow is staying warm and safe - enjoy your snow days & drive safe (if needed to) xxx
Hey, we live right on the coast, and have about 5inches and counting, its pouring down... apparently cars left overnight in roads, OH's boss texted telling everyone to stay home as it took someone 9hrs to do a 30min journey in the night!! :eek: xx
Really? Wowsers. We never get snow in the more coastal towns, but it settles more inland. Maybe it's just the region or something? We're in Lake District...and though much of that area does get a lot of snow (South Lakes is bad atm) our bit is always missed out lol.

Jealous in some ways...not been sledging in donkeys and would love to go out to play, though glad missing the travel issues with it too.



Well this was a couple hours ago, it just started again, and its really thick snowfall now, huge flakes and lots of 'em!! Its double that now! :eek: and yep by the coast, only 10min walk to see some sea! Hehe xx
Sorry your thread has turned into a weather update thread! Lol hope your sister is ok. Atleast you're not had agreat deal of snow there. It's so thick now its even sticking to the fences and each brick on the wall has a line of snow on lol
Sorry your thread has turned into a weather update thread! Lol hope your sister is ok. Atleast you're not had agreat deal of snow there. It's so thick now its even sticking to the fences and each brick on the wall has a line of snow on lol

LOL don't worry hun! Kinda the intent anyway. Sister is fine but snow is now causing issues. The midwife can't get to her house due to snow since we left this morning (shouldn't have tempted Fate eh?)...but despite her not being able to get to my sister...she wants my sister to get to her! Surely that's weird? What if sister can't get back either? Yes we have a room ready for this (and she's always welcome) but crikey it seems daft to tell a lady who is almost ready to give birth who is off work because of hig blood pressure to leave her warm, dry home to attempt to get to town at risk of being stranded? WTF?
It's even snowing in Plymouth and casuisng chaos - I'm working from home! as buses all disrupted - we're all on email to each other as no-one made it into our office today!

Hugs for your sister hun - when my brother was born 28 years ago they had to prepare Princetown Prison for Mum as they were snowed in - managed to get in to Tavistock with the help of a snowplough and Dad's Police landrover! xxx
Well, I popped out the front door at lunchtime, just for a couple of minutes to see what it was like. My little six-inch plastic ruler disappeared into the snow, so it is a bit deeper than that!! Plus there is some drifting. And we are right by the river, which is usually just a little bit warmer. Elsewhere in the outskirts of Reading it is much worse.

No buses, only one car has made it out of the car park at our flats this morning, the RAC van got stuck in the road outside! And now it is snowing heavily again.

I have been looking at our local authority website which has pictures from lots of webcams around town. These are very useful - I don't have to walk up to the main road to see if it is clear! There is very little traffic - most people are being sensible and staying at home!