Hi Sticky, sorry to hear about the snow and the grit, the phrase p*ss up in a brewerery couldn't organise spring to mind lol. Thats councils for ya.
Hope your sister goes on ok, but don't worry, I had full pre eclampsia with all three of mine and all though they were all 6 weeks early, I still had a home birth and everything was great. The midwife was stressed but she was the only one out of a housefull, so don't let them panic or worry her about it. Women have been having babies for sometime now quite happily lol. They put themselves first and not the mother, and worry about everything incase they get sued, but she will be fine. Good news that she lives near a farm, if the worst happens I'm sure the farmer has a bit of experience of deliveries, Just don't let him put the baby in the sheep dip lol.