ProPoints Wedding bod here I come

Yea the classes are great! Most gyms now do like a 30 day trial like my friend paid €30 for 30 days to see if she likes it and if it works for her petrol wise etc you should ask them do they do it! Itl give you a better idea if its the gym for you

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Yea ask them it's worth a try and tbh if your into classes etc in the long run the extra £10 a month is well worth it let me know how you get on

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ok so food for the day..............

Porridge 3pp
milk 3pp
tea 0pp

banana 0pp
tea 0pp

soup 0pp
cornetto 4pp

quorn burger 4pp
slimbo 3pp
salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, strawberries, beetroot, mint leafs, celery 0pp
bbq baby gem lettuce 0pp
bbq mushrooms 0pp

bulmers light 3pp
3x homebrewed cider 12pp
velvet crunch 2pp

I went to a trx and kettlebell combo class and also went on a hill walk so earned 7ap in total

Daily used 26/26
34 weeklies remaining
7ap earned today
28ap earned so far this week

Had a great day today and am now watching an ep of breaking bad and then i think its bed for me xXx
hey-great day....

Whats a slimbo?
and BBQ lettuce?
Hi, just popping in to subscribe. Am sipping my glass of water trying to pretend it tastes like home brew cider!
Hahaha did the water trick work? Hope so!!!
Yea we make our own cider, raspberry beer, pale ale and we found a recipe for blue moon which is my favourite beer and our one tastes the exact same!! Result
We have some sort of monitor thing that tells the percent of alcohol il ask himself when he gets his behind up outa bed!!
Slimbos look like burger buns I use them for sambos etc as they are only 3pp but I used them as a burger bun last night as the other ones are way to high in pp. hahaha BBQ lettuce does sound strange but last night I got a baby gem lettuce and cut it in half sprayed it with spay oil and put some chilli powder on it and salt and pepper and bbqed it it was actually very tasty

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Here's a pic of the slimbos

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Oh 3pp. That's great. What brand are they? Get them in usual places?
Morning Sweetie :) Your BBQ sounds yummy and fun! I had a Veggie Burger last night, was very tasty! I love hearing all the different classes which you do, I can't wait to get back into doing mine! X What do you have planned for today? X
Hahaha did the water trick work? Hope so!!!
Yea we make our own cider, raspberry beer, pale ale and we found a recipe for blue moon which is my favourite beer and our one tastes the exact same!! Result
We have some sort of monitor thing that tells the percent of alcohol il ask himself when he gets his behind up outa bed!!
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Nope, sadly it didn't fool me! Home-made raspberry beer sounds wonderful. We've never made beer - I used to make wine and still do sloe gin, raspberry vodka, plum brandy... basically any combo of fruit and alcohol!
Nope, sadly it didn't fool me! Home-made raspberry beer sounds wonderful. We've never made beer - I used to make wine and still do sloe gin, raspberry vodka, plum brandy... basically any combo of fruit and alcohol!

Does it count as one of your five a day if its combined with alcohol?!?x
Hub is just branching into homebrew, first batch of lager was good, but we think this one might be better. I'm attempting cordials this year so nothing too exciting & jamming & chutney making....may experiment more next year - building up slowly!

I've not seen slimbos, but gave discovered (some time after everyone else it seems) warburton thins which are a great burger bun alternative!
Yea we love making homebrew and mostly love drinking it lol!!!!
Mmmmmm raspberry vodka I like the sounds of that how did you make it?
BBQ last night was yummy!!! Going to a BBQ later and bringing my quorn burgers with me as they only have beef ones and I can't eat them! Quorn is great stuff isn't it?
This morning I got up and went to the gym. I did my leg day program which I found really tough today but I got there in the end! When are ya going back to classes serena? I love them and its a great way of meeting new people aswell

Oh girls I went to penny's (primark) and was looking for bikinis only had two in the whole shop in my size so I got them and when I was on my way to the checkout I spotted hen party packs reduced to only €1 well I was never so delighted in my life. In each pack you get bunny ears, a pink Bow tie, bunny tail and a shot glass necklace and in my one is a bride to be tiara, a shot class with bride written on it and a learner sign. I also got my suitcase which I was trilled with

Got trousers for my pageboy aswell and a tshirt for himself to keep him happy! I then went to costa and was very good just had an Americano.
By the time I got home I was starvin marvin so I had an apple, soup and a salad. Just gona make my soup for next week in a few mins and then il get ready for the BBQ!!
Hope you are all having a lovely day

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