No way really? They always have them over here that's pants isn't it! Your in the hunt for the donuts and I'm on the hunt for fluff and ww naans hehe
What did you think of the velvet crunch?
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Aw no Serena-tHat's no good
I'm def gona pick some up when I'm back in kildare doing my shopping.
And Ciara-did u check Tesco naas for fluff-I'll prob be over there next week so I'll check again. Fairly sure that's where I got it.
And WW naans I havnt seen but it's not really something I buy but I'll keep eye out. Just got eyes tested so I'll be better for searching them out.
I'm not working til Tue. Home to my parents house sat nite-have few people to catch up with. Then drop my sister to airport sun on my way back. Sun nite and Mon will be washing clothes and food shoppinglooking forward to it-how sad!
Ah ur v good!Oh yea we have a Supervalu in blessington il have a look later and keep you posted! Yea I tried the big tesco in Naas but they didnt have them I might try the other one and see if they have it
I do look forward to getting back into a routine aswell and get into the swing of things again!
Hope you like them serena! When are ya heading off?
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The kids in work were having curry for their dins today and all I could think of was the naans lol
Ah very good where are ya going? Even if you were very good tues and wed and then relax a bit on thurs and fri or maybe relax tue and wed and be good thurs and fri since your wi is on saturday!you will be grand
Just back from a 10k hill run my calfs are on fire I think il be sore tomorrow! I usually earn 4ap doing a 10k but since it was hilly and much harder run I Duno how many ap I earned tonight so I'm jst gona say 4ap since I don't use them anyway
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yea they are in the frozen section. they come in a pack of 6
oh lovely serena you will have a ball. I dont know about smashing wi but il try my best hehe. The kids in work had curry for dinner and homemade sausage rolls and i had neither yay so proud of myself i nearly gave in on the sausage rolls though but i asked the chef if she had any spare fruit so i had an apple instead go me!!!
Im not as fit as id like to be but thats a mill for saying that it made me smilewe went through a forest and had to go up two very steep hills and at one point it felt like we were running in slow motion and someone was pulling us back with a rope. The loop is 5k so we ran it twice. My heart rate was through the roof hahahaha great workout.
Had spag bol when i got home and then had velvet crunch with a cup of tea when grahams mam came up. Im going to have a cornetto in a while with my last 4pp. I said i wasnt going to have one tonight but im babysitting tomorrow night and wont be able to have anything like that so il have to figure out what im gona bring as a snack ya have to be so organised but it pays off in the end