ProPoints Wedding bod here I come

***** Serena you need to wash your mouth out with soap!!!!!
Yeah you have to add the liquid when hot.
Mine is just done now. Smells devine. Il update with a pic in a bit xXx

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Sorry Mummy Ciara ;-) I knew you was gonna kick my butt! X PS-If I share my SC Recipes, will you forgive me? X
Id totally forgive you
Just had dins omfg It was delish. Meat was melt in the mouth and the pineapple had all caramelised yum. I had it with mashed turnip and butternut squash and some boiled carrots

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Id totally forgive you
Just had dins omfg It was delish. Meat was melt in the mouth and the pineapple had all caramelised yum. I had it with mashed turnip and butternut squash and some boiled carrots

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That looks super filling although is your Coaster turned 45 Degrees? It looks like it needs to be rotated 45 Degrees to be the right way up lol x
Oh dear sorry to upset you serena il remember that the next time
I have 4pp left now and 19 weeklies oh dear havnt used them all im so bold I need to plan it more next week

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Yum yum looks delish, my coq was tastilicious too ;) 4pp left though, lucky need a treat of some kind...

Naughty Ciara playing with Serena's mind - that coaster's gotta be sorted, pronto!!
Hi Ciara your dinner looks lovely :) did you have your walnut whip last night ? I had one last Sunday night n it was so worth the 5pp.
I had the walnut whip.....omg it was to die for well worth waiting all week for!!!

Hehehe hope your coq was moist and bursting with flavour lol

Had a very lazy sunday!!! Didnt get up til after 11.30 and stayed in my pjs til 2!!!
Watched loads of mindless tv such as biggest lose Australia, come dine witg me , diners drive ins and dives!!!!!
My parents came down to visit as well which was nice.
Then had dinner and now watching fat families!!!
We bought tickets to go see harvard play ice hockey when we go over in January. They were only $10 each.....serena hope your proud of me and my bargain lol

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Oh dear sorry to upset you serena il remember that the next time
I have 4pp left now and 19 weeklies oh dear havnt used them all im so bold I need to plan it more next week

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Thanks Ciara ;-) I too have failed miserably on the 'eating front' We both need a better plan! X

I had the walnut whip.....omg it was to die for well worth waiting all week for!!!

Hehehe hope your coq was moist and bursting with flavour lol

Had a very lazy sunday!!! Didnt get up til after 11.30 and stayed in my pjs til 2!!!
Watched loads of mindless tv such as biggest lose Australia, come dine witg me , diners drive ins and dives!!!!!
My parents came down to visit as well which was nice.
Then had dinner and now watching fat families!!!
We bought tickets to go see harvard play ice hockey when we go over in January. They were only $10 each.....serena hope your proud of me and my bargain lol

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So glad you enjoyed the Walnut Whip :) I was buying them all the time from Poundland, such good value in money and pp!

Lazy Sunday sounds fab, just what Sundays are for :)

Yey for Fat Families, shift those wobbly bums ;-)

I'm very proud of your bargain! You go girl!

Happy Monday Ciara :) x
Defo gonna plan it out better. Il take out a few cookery books and come up with a plan!!!
Im defo gonna buy the pack of 3 on saturday. Only thing is il have to try not eat them all in one go :-/
Such a miserable day. Its really dark and wet and blah
In work til 6.30. Gonna attempt an hrs spin and 45min fightclub

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Defo gonna plan it out better. Il take out a few cookery books and come up with a plan!!!
Im defo gonna buy the pack of 3 on saturday. Only thing is il have to try not eat them all in one go :-/
Such a miserable day. Its really dark and wet and blah
In work til 6.30. Gonna attempt an hrs spin and 45min fightclub

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I like a Plan, I really want a Wall Meal Planner for my Kitchen, seen some on Amazon! You will just have to have (Will)Power with the 3 Pack! Although i bet you didn't know 2 Walnut Whips is 9pp and 3 Walnut Whips are 14pp ;-) Hope u get on ok at your Classes tonight, I will think of you working hard whilst I lounge on my Sofa with my Options and Choc of choice! X
Mmmmm interesting about the walnut whips hehe
Lol thanks for that serena ggggrrrrrrrr
Last chance workout.....cant believe tomorrow is tues already

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Mmmmm interesting about the walnut whips hehe
Lol thanks for that serena ggggrrrrrrrr
Last chance workout.....cant believe tomorrow is tues already

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I'm glad that Manic Monday is nearly over, I haven't sat down once today! Nightmare! Enjoy your 2/3 Walnut Whips ;-) x
Braving a multi pack, I've tried & spectacularly failed on many occasions. Last time I learnt my lesson & had only one choc bar a day from the packs (well all but once!!)

Enjoy spin & fight club, is it actually called fight club or is that what you call it?? I always called body combat fight club! I haven't spun in a long time, thinking of doing a bit of spin & swim tomorrow. Not sure how long I'll last on the bike though!
Hey dolls
Just after sitting down. What a day!!!!! It was so hard getting up this morning. It was all dark and raining and blah in general!!!!
Work was grand today went quick enough.
Before the gym I had a pack of go ahead slices for 3pp.
Went and got through my 2 classes and earned 15ap!!!!yeap its called fightclub.some gyms call it thump box or box aerobics etc!!!it was jammers I think it was actually over booked! Had such a headache after the gym from hunger. Had my shower there and drove home (about 15mins) had dins left over from last night ,it was even yummier than past night. I have 5pp left so having half an avacado for 4pp and then I think il have 2 weetqbix 3pp with my remaining milk. Which means I will be using 2 of my ap. I haven't eaten much of them this week. Hope I get a good result at wi tomorrow I have been very bad at using up my pp

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Hey dolls
Just after sitting down. What a day!!!!! It was so hard getting up this morning. It was all dark and raining and blah in general!!!!
Work was grand today went quick enough.
Before the gym I had a pack of go ahead slices for 3pp.
Went and got through my 2 classes and earned 15ap!!!!yeap its called fightclub.some gyms call it thump box or box aerobics etc!!!it was jammers I think it was actually over booked! Had such a headache after the gym from hunger. Had my shower there and drove home (about 15mins) had dins left over from last night ,it was even yummier than past night. I have 5pp left so having half an avacado for 4pp and then I think il have 2 weetqbix 3pp with my remaining milk. Which means I will be using 2 of my ap. I haven't eaten much of them this week. Hope I get a good result at wi tomorrow I have been very bad at using up my pp

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Hey Ciara! Your Monday sounds just as busy as mine! I love Dinners which get eaten on a 2nd Night, they always taste soooooo much nicer! Maybe it's cos there isn't all the hassle of making them?!? I can't wait to hear your WI Result tomorrow night, are u feeling lighter? X
No I dont feel any different :-/
I hope I lose something at least tomorrow as iv worked my butt off. Not eating all my weeklies or ap could go against me I suppose but il take any loss no matter how small .......just work with me here body lol
Booked a nice meal for Saturday which will be lovely so no fear of me not using all my weeklies next week hehe
I think if the dins has a sauce ,tge next day it tastes so much better cuz the sauce has time to mix with all the diff flavours and holds it all together

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No I dont feel any different :-/
I hope I lose something at least tomorrow as iv worked my butt off. Not eating all my weeklies or ap could go against me I suppose but il take any loss no matter how small .......just work with me here body lol
Booked a nice meal for Saturday which will be lovely so no fear of me not using all my weeklies next week hehe
I think if the dins has a sauce ,tge next day it tastes so much better cuz the sauce has time to mix with all the diff flavours and holds it all together

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Totally agree! I find it particularly with Pasta and Stews, they taste AMAZEBALLS the next day! Where are u off to on Saturday then? Yey for Weeklies ;-) I hope that tomorrow is kind to you, you deserve a loss. X

Today is the dreaded wi day. As I said I tried my hardest this week but dont feel any different. Suppose only the scales will tell :-/
We are going to a restaurant called the ballymore in. Its gorg. They have their own veg patch out the back and all the veg they serve in the restaurant is from it.the food is to die for although a bit on the expensive side (we have a voucher lol) I love their goats cheese starter so I will have that and will choose my mains when I get there as they have different specials on all the time. Getting hungry thinking about it lol.
We are having mussels and rice tonight for dins. I have it all worked out already and I have 5pp for a treat after dins xXx

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Today is the dreaded wi day. As I said I tried my hardest this week but dont feel any different. Suppose only the scales will tell :-/
We are going to a restaurant called the ballymore in. Its gorg. They have their own veg patch out the back and all the veg they serve in the restaurant is from it.the food is to die for although a bit on the expensive side (we have a voucher lol) I love their goats cheese starter so I will have that and will choose my mains when I get there as they have different specials on all the time. Getting hungry thinking about it lol.
We are having mussels and rice tonight for dins. I have it all worked out already and I have 5pp for a treat after dins xXx

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Tis the Day of WI! I really hope you get to do the Happy Scale Dance tonight :) That Restaurant sounds lovely and Yey for a Voucher, it's a must have accessory of mine too ;-) Din Dins sounds yummy tonight! Yey for Treats, is that going to be a Walnut Whip? X
Morning Ciara good luck at weigh in tonight you had a very good week and it will show on the scales I have every faith you will see a nice loss :) x