Thanks Andi! I keep expecting to go wrong somewhere! I've just realised I've done a stone and half in exactly 4 weeks! So chuffed as I now have less to loose than what I've lost
Oh wow your Christmas cake look amazing!! Are you going to marzipan and ice it nearer the time? Tell me more about parsnip crisps...are we allowed parsnips? I had one with my roast last week and tasted too good to be allowed. Also do you use to dukan cocoa powder for your mug cake? I need something chocolatey in my life before I reach for my child's stash of freddo bars! Well done on your loss, that's an amazing amount in just 4 weeks! Xx
Parsnip crisps were Andi's revelation and yes we're allowed them, I put a tiny bit of oil on thinly sliced bits ( I used one whole parsnip) and loads of sea salt and pepper and baked them for about 25mins shaking the tray throughout! They were so good!
No I don't use dukan cocoa because I found a lower carb one.. It's so much nicer as well it's called food thoughts cocoa and I get mine in sainsburys, it's yummy with hot milk!
Ewwww no I hate marzipan!! I'll be having it with a big chunk of cheese and some port!! Mmmmmmmmmmmm 10 weeks!!!!
Hope that helps, xxx
Mmmm just made another batch of crisps! God there so good! Having roast beef for tea now with loads of Brussel sprouts! Yummy! OH is having Yorkshire puddings and stuffing! Days are getting so much easier now, I'm hoping this is it now and I won't get cravings anymore I'd love to get all the way to conso I could def live on one treat meal a week and PV days! Bliss!
hi mad, a question you may be able to answer re my first edition book it says that conso is split into 2 halves....the first you are allowed 1 celebration meal per week & then the second half on conso 2 celebration meals....but then in the dukan diet life plan book, there is no mention of 1 celebration meal or even splitting it in half, it just says conso is 2 celebration I wonder if he's changed the rules since? Seeing as I've never done conso properly I really don't know :0 xxx