Hey sweetie, am having a little catch up... Firstly well done you on the loss!! That's amazing - and you can totally see it in the photos - very nipped in at the waist!! You have a lovely shape. Go you!!! Yay!! Secondly - these VLCDs really do mess with our cycles. I totally missed a period in November and then this months one has lasted over a week and is super heavy

tailing off now though - finally!! So literally one extreme to another!! I hope you're ok with your little one. It's amazing how we don't sleep when they're born, yet we just get on with it. But as soon as we get a taste of sleep and get used to having it, then life goes haywire once they start having restless nights again and we miss our precious sleep!! You're doing brilliantly!! Well done!! Shows this diet works - and gives you a boost physically, mentally and emotionally! Yay Xx