Wedding to slim for

Hi everyone, I'm new to slimming world! I started on the 18th July just doing it from home and not actually going to group. My partner is also full of motivation for this change in our lifestyle.

I think for most people it takes a certain moment of realisation... Something happens or something upsets you so much that you can't get it out of your mind and it snaps in you that it's time to do something about it. I had that snap moment.

My partner asked me to marry him last August and we've just recently set a date and put deposits down for the venue etc. I had that snap moment when I realised I didn't want to look like a snowman rolling down the aisle towards to future husband. I didn't want the photos to upset me when the mirror tells me I look like a princess and in photos I look like Fiona from shrek wearing a tablecloth.

There has been PLENTY of times I've been embarrassed about my size. I constantly pull at my clothes to hide my rolls when infact it doesn't make me look and slimmer than if I just stopped fiddling around with my clothes. I went on holiday and had to have a seatbelt extender... That was pure embarrassment right there! 'Do you need one of these bright orange belt extenders madam?'.... 'Hang on I don't think the passengers at the front heard you, you better let them know too that I'm wearing one!'

Anyway... I'm allowed to laugh at myself and make jokes about my weight because that's the kind of person I am. Yes I was embarrassed but I am never and will never be ashamed of myself. I am a strong, crazy, intelligent person and how I look to other people doesn't bother me in the slightest!! It's how I feel personally about myself that's got me finally doing something about it.

So as I've already has three weigh ins I'll tell you how they went..

Week one: lost a magnificent 9 and 3/4 lbs

Week two: lost 4.5lbs

Week three: gained 2lbs

My last weigh in was awful. I cried and cried because I knew it was coming. My partner had his birthday that week and family visited so he asked that we have a Chinese takeaway.... Yeah that happened then birthday cake, popcorn at the cinema, extra things here and there. I'm writing week three off as a bad one. But this week I'm sure I'll do well!

I'm a vegetarian, I'm 5"11 and weigh more than I should. I get married in 2 years time and my aim isn't weight targeted, it's size targeted. I want to be comfortably in a size 16, hopefully I can achieve that by losing around 8 stone!

Hope you follow along with me on my journey of weightloss and getting married!

Welcome Helsbels :) Congratulations on your 2 amazing losses! Well done, as for the gain, draw a line under it, you know why you gained and i'm sure you'll lose it again this week. Good Luck!!!

Stacey x
Welcome Helsbels :) Congratulations on your 2 amazing losses! Well done, as for the gain, draw a line under it, you know why you gained and i'm sure you'll lose it again this week. Good Luck!!!

Stacey x
Thank you so much! It's so good to say goodbye to weight. Can't wait to see it just keep going lower and lower!
So weigh in day was today.... I lost 6lbs! Thank goodness. So that takes me to 18.5lbs gone. I can't believe it! So so happy right now.

Went to a BBQ at the weekend and was so happy that I was able to not drink and there was plenty of free foods/low syn food for me to eat as a few friends that went and the host is also following slimming world. It was amazing!

My partner managed to lose 2lbs this week even though he necked back 8 bottles of beer and about 4 rum and cokes! Little bugger he is.

So my current weight is 'blah' stone and 2.5lbs. So goal wise, I hope to lose at least 5lbs this week and get below the next stone! I started exercising this weekend, boy is that hard work! I YouTubed beginner exercise videos and Thought 'oh that looks so easy'... There I was screaming at the tv because the trainer was telling me to get up and down off the floor. How dare that be an exercise!

Off to work now for my evening shift and working in a supermarket I have a daily battle not to buy all the reduced cake at the end of the night
Hi Helsbels, congratulations on your amazing losses so far! Looks as though your goal this week is easily achievable!

Minimins has been a great support to me so far, Im sure it'll be the same for you :)
Fabulous weight loss Helsbels!

Well done:0clapper:
Thankyou so much! It's easier than I thought it would be, slimming world is amazing! I'm not feeling like I'm starving or hard done by. It's the perfect weight loss plan for me and hopefully a lifestyle change for me and my family :)
Hi Helsbels, congratulations on your amazing losses so far! Looks as though your goal this week is easily achievable!

Minimins has been a great support to me so far, Im sure it'll be the same for you :)
Thankyou agee86! It's brilliant on here, lots of motivational threads, plenty of information too. I'm just feeling so positive towards the whole experience so far. Are you following slimming world too?
Thankyou agee86! It's brilliant on here, lots of motivational threads, plenty of information too. I'm just feeling so positive towards the whole experience so far. Are you following slimming world too?

I certainly am... It's taken me a while for it to 'click' and to fully change my habits but it finally has so I'm getting there. It's been a slow process but hopefully will quicken up now!

So glad you're feeling positive, that'll keep you motivated... As well as the amazing losses of course :)
I certainly am... It's taken me a while for it to 'click' and to fully change my habits but it finally has so I'm getting there. It's been a slow process but hopefully will quicken up now!

So glad you're feeling positive, that'll keep you motivated... As well as the amazing losses of course :)

Excellent! Good luck in your weightloss journey. I hope you achieve all you are aiming for xxx
This evening has been so lovely! Nice weather and spending time with my partner and lovely daughter. It's rare we get to as he works in the day and then I work evenings until 9.30-10pm so we are all so tired by the time I'm home. We had Cous Cous pizza for dinner which was absolutely divine, it didn't even taste like couscous, could have done with a bit of salt as it was a bit bland but other than that it was lovely!

We've been dieting for one month today so we decided we'd have a treat that we wouldn't count into our syns. I had some cheese and onion crisps and enjoyed every single one. I really appreciated them and took my time eating them unlike before dieting where I would just scoff the whole packet down my throat in an ad break.

very happy with how much I'm enjoying slimming world. It's so much fun trying recipes and playing around with ingredient! We tried sweet and sour Fanta chicken last week and it was the most amazing meal I've cooked! Definitely a winner for us!

Off to bed now and then up early for exercise before anyone wakes up to watch me wobble around on the floor!
Sounds like you all had a wonderful day and enjoyed the good weather.

Well done on reaching a month on SW and well done on the exercise.
Hi Helsbels, loving the diary so far. Well done you! You'll have that 8 stone off in no time!!
Hiya, just dropping by to sub! Congratulations on the engagement and well done on your weight loss so far. You have a great attitude towards it; sometimes it's very easy to forget that we should be doing this for ourselves, not anyone else. So thanks for reminding me of that!
not posted for a few weeks! Apologies for that.
Hiya, just dropping by to sub! Congratulations on the engagement and well done on your weight loss so far. You have a great attitude towards it; sometimes it's very easy to forget that we should be doing this for ourselves, not anyone else. So thanks for reminding me of that!
Thankyou for your lovely comment, it is definitely for ourselves. We all feel that judgement of being overweight from others but it isn't for them, it's for us!

I've managed to lose 26lbs 1/4 so far since starting 7 weeks ago. I can't believe it! So close to 2 stone now. I'll be trying extra hard this week to get there. Had a couple of naughty moments last week. We did a carboot sale and my daughter wanted hot donuts.. So I got a bag of 5 and ended up eating 2 of them lol!! But they were so yummy I didn't care. I enjoyed them and that's all that matters! And we made £40 towards the wedding fund.

Discovered lidl fat free Greek yoghurts this week. The coconut and vanilla ones are heaven in a pot! Had to stop myself from having another! Haha!

So I'm setting myself a mini challenge this week which isn't to do with weight loss, more to do with looking after myself better. I'm going to make sure I set aside an two this week to have a pamper session and paint nails, do a face mask, nice long hot shower and hair mask and a good moisturise. I never have the time to do anything like that for myself so I think it's about time I do!

I'm off to bed now though as its midnight and I've got the school run tomorrow and my morning walk afterwards. Wish me luck!
You're doing so well, Hels! It's nice to have non-food related targets sometimes; keeps things a bit more fresh! I must try and get to Lidl- there isn't one very close to us, but it would be nice to try some of their yogurts, for a change.
Over 2 months since I've posted.... yikes! Slimming is going ok, I'm not where I'd like to be! I've lost 3stone 1lb so far. It might sound good but I've had 2 weeks of not giving a crap about what I eat. Stress at work hasn't helped!!!

I will be back on plan from tomorrow. I start work at 6am and will get breakfast there. I usually have 2 poached eggs on brown toast so at least I'm being good there. I'll have a yoghurt with it and some fruit too. It doesn't help when it's 'that time' because all I want to do is scoff chocolate all day long.