Wednesday Weigh In anyone?

Sounds yummy :) x
have a great weekend all you wednesday lot and be as good as you can :D xx
U too Smirnoff! I'm in the cheap vodka tonight (I kno it's a cardinal sin but needs must lol) xx
have a good night carly, i am BANNED from drinking cheap vodka by everyone that knows me well because i get so aggressive that i could even fall out with my shadow! premium brands all the way for me lol x
Haha! Ok :) sounds sensible!! Xx
Hi ladies how's your weekend going?
Hi not going too bad this weekend thanks. How are you doing? X
Primegirl said:
Hi ladies how's your weekend going?

Well hubby is cooking lamb burgers for his lunch so I've come on here to distract me!! They smell so good aswell but I'm determined to be good this week. Hope everyone else is well xx
Hi Kia

My weekend is good... shame its nearly monday again haha!

I was out last night and so back to being good today :) Hoping for a good loss as have been really good...

Ness how many pps in a lamb burger - could u not have just one? xxx
He's fried them in oil and everything!! I had a lettuce and dairylea wrap instead lol xx
Mmmm lamb burgers :) well done for resisting x
Aww bless u hun... nasty man! :) xx
He's fried them in oil and everything!! I had a lettuce and dairylea wrap instead lol xx

Naughty Naughty Man!!! :whoopass: <---Id do that if I were you!!!!

They do sound rather scrummy- but so does your wrap :drool:

hehe :) i like that piccie x
LOL Ruth that pic is great :D
ness well done on resisting the lamb burgers, i think he cooked them in oil on purpose so he didnt have to share them :p
I have been good this weekend and stuck to my points but am annoyed with myself that the only exercise i have done today is cycling 2 miles to Morrisons so might wait for my dinner to settle then go on the bike in the living room.
Go girl :) x
i twisted my knee at the end of last week so haven't done any exercise over the weekend :(

have been good and am sitting here waiting for my eclair to defrost :D xx
Trefoil said:
Naughty Naughty Man!!! :whoopass: <---Id do that if I were you!!!!

They do sound rather scrummy- but so does your wrap :drool:


Lol he probably did do it on purpose, we had a massive row last night resulting with me sleeping on the sofa lol but he is treating me to Chinese tonight... Feeling guilty perhaps!! Xx
Enjoy the Chinese!

Hope ur knee feels better soon :) I'm feeling wobbly today and honestly don't kno if I can face shred... Might have a nap and see if I feel better xx
carly, you're doing so well, a night off won't hurt! x eclair is ready lol