Wednesday weigh in club!!!

Well got weight down 2.5lbs this week woohoo

I'm so pleased for you Mburke because you had a really tough weekend. Great loss!!
Well good Mburke. Congrats Hun.
Just got weighed also and am 4 lbs down !!! So am 12 stone 5 lbs now !!! Happy ;)

Brilliant loss Kate! Well done.
Fantastic Mburke and Ladykate, well done :)
Well good Mburke. Congrats Hun.
Just got weighed also and am 4 lbs down !!! So am 12 stone 5 lbs now !!! Happy ;)

Well done Kate 4lbs is great and you deserve it after been 100% all w/end I am only 4behind u hopeful to get where you r next week
I'm so pleased for you Mburke because you had a really tough weekend. Great loss!!

Thanks busy mum I was just please for a lost and not a gain this week I am putting car and van keys away next w/end so he won't be able to go out for take away
Mburke - 2.5lbs.....yey well done lady that's great. Not long until your Christmas refeed.

Ladykate - you're doing keep having those big losses...I'm soooo happy for you but also a tad jealous :)

Natalia - 5lbs.....OMG that's brilliant, I used to have massive losses like that but haven't seen a big loss in's hoping it rubs off on me and you do great next week too.
Thanks Kate also thank you ms r for your kind words

Well Natalie on your 5lbs loss this week your doing great
Not too bad Kate, jst wanted sooo much to reach my 5st 7lb loss by 18th Dec but thats unlikely now so just bit disappointed. I started off needing to lose 6st but put my target back half a stone so already feel like I've compromised so not hitting my target makes me feel like a failure regardless of what I've lost, I have a target & unless I reach it I won't feel like I've totally suceeded.

You're doing great, how you feeling, how much more do you want to lose?
Well ladies I am down 4lbs today I am apply but had been hoping to get to my 4st mark which I did at home but not at my official weight in here's to next week
Well done mburke!! Thats a fantastic result!!
Well done Mburke, 4lbs is brilliant, I'd kill for a 4lb loss right now!! Lol

Wow can't believe you're almost at 4st loss, you seem to be just shrinking sooo fast, isn't it fab?? Bet everybody is noticing now. Best of luck for next week, I'm sure you'll get your 4st loss then xx
Hi Ladies
Thanks for all your comments.
Well I feel a failure this week as I have been off work this week as I am unwell. I fell off the wagon and the diet went out the window! I feel so bad. :(
Quite depressed at the min with this and other things. I don't know what to do now. Was gonna start refeed today but am unsure now was thinking I might start back on a 100 % tomorrow. For one week and then refeed ?? I do not know where all my get and up is gone :(
I need to sort myself out and stop being a baby !!

I was 12 stone 5 lbs but now I don't want to weigh myself :(

I would like to get to 10 stone
But it would be so good to get into the 11s !! That was my aim.

Oh god !!
Awwww poor you Kate. Well my advice is to get weighed asap and face your demons. If like me and most others, avoiding the scales in the past because of being scared at the result was a main contributor of my massive weight gain but now regardless, I need to know how I'm doing once a week so I can keep in control. So get weighed, you may be really surprised but if not, at least you've taken back control and you can do something about it. Don't let this small blip be the downfall of you and all the extremely hard work you have put in to achieve the weight loss you have. Life is full of ups and downs and you have had a down but the crux of this and a real test of whether you have actually learned something whilst on this diet is if you can now pick yourself back up, dust yourself down and TAKE BACK THE CONTROL!!! Don't let e food demons or the demons inside your head ruin all your good hard work and don't allow them to be in control of you again.

We're all here for you Kate, just keep talking to us and we'll help you rough. I still struggle myself but the support on here has been my saviour on many an occasion and Goose is just totally awesome and I'm sure she'll be along soon to give you the same kick up the ass she gave me yesterday!! Lol

So you gonna get weighed or you gonna give in and give up that control???
Ms R
That's telling me Hun
Thank u

I know I have done well already and want to keep going I do. I have had a awful week. Not been at work cos of it and been in our flat and on my own as my other half works nights. Like I do. We work at the same place.
I have been really bad today and slept most of the day away.
I have got nerve damage on my left side and back and it has been so bad today and I have been crying.

I do feel like a failure on this diet. I don't have this pain all the time it started back up on Saturday and got worse by Sunday. It comes and goes but today it has been there all day. I haven't had it since January this year. It's post herpetic nauergala can't spell it ! I had shingles when I was 12 or 13 and got this after. I think it has come back on cos I have been down recently and my immune system is prob not really good at the mo being on this diet.

I will try to sort myself out. I did weigh myself today 12 stone 10lb :( :(
Double sad face.
I am thinking I will restart my diet back on Saturday now ;)