Well done Ally, 2lb is 2lb!!! Have you ever done this?? I have and it really brings fat loss into perspective. Buy 2 x half pound pkts of lard from the supermarket, open them up and combine them in cling film. Manipulate them together so that they resemble 1 big blob of white ugly fat and then tell yourself that 1lb of fat loss is not a lot!!! I think that you will soon change your mind and be happy with your 2lb loss.
I used to keep my blob of cling film lard in the fridge so everytime I open it, it's there as a reminder of just what 1lb of fat looks like.
Keep going, you're doing brilliantly and next week will be fantastic for you. I only lost 3lb in my second week then a whopping 5.5lb last night so it all works out in the end.