WEDNESDAY weigh in

Thanks!! I've lost a magical 9.5 inches this week but i don't see any difference yet :) i'm going to try extra hard this week! I tried my first ice milkshake today - it was really nice! I bet if i had popped it in the freezer i could have made it ice cream :) hope everyone else has had a good week :)
3.3lbs gone this week - 4.7 inches, can't complain :)
Hi everyone and well done on all your losses so far :)

I also weigh in on a Wednesday so I'll be back this Wednesday with my losses. You can see by my signature what i've lost so far. I'm a slow loser even when I did slimming world. I think it's because I have a underactive thyroid and menopausal i'm on a high dose of tablets for both.

I've so far lost a total of 7 inches & just gone down into the next size clothes :)