Wednesday Weighers

1lb off after the Easter Holidays home to Mum's cooking :O:O Sooo pleased and back on the wagon this week!

Well done to all the losses this week :)
well done to all who had losses this week!

I am very much back on track and have already syned my wine for the weekend lol! I normally do the 15 a day, but have gone back to 105 for the week and taking it off that way. Not sure if your meant to anymore but as I used to back when SW was red/green only I thought why not! Sometimes it's the little tweaks that help!
I have tried both ways and not noticed any discernible difference in losses (or gains!), so as 105 a week works much better for me, that's what I do.
Hi - not sure what buddying up is either really - guess it's just keeping in touch with one another to get rid of these 9 lbs (oooh I'm so excited just thinking about that are u!!) and then there's the maintenance bit - think that'll be another challenge and we'll be going thro it together.

Here's the link for the salad challenge for info - if ur interested - u cd still do it but Kay who's organising it - is going into to hospital in a few days so she won't be able to record ur progress - but u cd post it here and we'll all support u

Its just a basic means of extra support for each other chick - especially when your struggling. Just little motivational tips etc you can both do it. You will both be at target in no time at all - then we can all maintain together hehe x
Its just a basic means of extra support for each other chick - especially when your struggling. Just little motivational tips etc you can both do it. You will both be at target in no time at all - then we can all maintain together hehe x

Thx it's a good idea and we have 'spoken' today!! Yes it'd be great for us all maintain together - I can't believe I'm so close - been doing SW from home this time since Jan (with lots of support on Minis) but feel I need to go back to class to get to target!!
Thx it's a good idea and we have 'spoken' today!! Yes it'd be great for us all maintain together - I can't believe I'm so close - been doing SW from home this time since Jan (with lots of support on Minis) but feel I need to go back to class to get to target!!

Is there anything I can help with??

What about re reading your books and going back to basics? Make sure you are being 100% weighing and measuring your hex's, mixing up your meals a bit for variety, making a pledge to try something new every week from now to target, like a new fruit or a new meal x
Thx it's a good idea and we have 'spoken' today!! Yes it'd be great for us all maintain together - I can't believe I'm so close - been doing SW from home this time since Jan (with lots of support on Minis) but feel I need to go back to class to get to target!!

Got your PM Upndown! Just replied but when I look at my 'Sent messages' folder, it says no sent messages.... :confused: - Maybe I'm doing it wrong! Lol x :)
Got your PM Upndown! Just replied but when I look at my 'Sent messages' folder, it says no sent messages.... :confused: - Maybe I'm doing it wrong! Lol x :)

Hi - it arrived and just replied! I checked mine too and it didn't show in Sent items either - I don't send many PMs but that has happened b4 to me yet the message got to the intended recipient!!
Is there anything I can help with??

What about re reading your books and going back to basics? Make sure you are being 100% weighing and measuring your hex's, mixing up your meals a bit for variety, making a pledge to try something new every week from now to target, like a new fruit or a new meal x

Thx again - there's lots of good ideas there - I can't pinpoint anything really wrong - I think it may be that I can't believe after so many years of dieting I'm so close to target and don't want to spoil that.

I'm doing Kay003's Salad Challenge this week - so that's helping - going back to class next Tues.

I've got my meals sorted till Tues next week - so I'll use ur suggestions when I plan the foll week's meals - need to keep on my toes until I get to target!! Thanks so much for ur supportxx
Hi - it arrived and just replied! I checked mine too and it didn't show in Sent items either - I don't send many PMs but that has happened b4 to me yet the message got to the intended recipient!!

None of my pms show in sent items either I dont know why? Maybe you could message and ask Pierce who runs the site and ask him? x
Thx again - there's lots of good ideas there - I can't pinpoint anything really wrong - I think it may be that I can't believe after so many years of dieting I'm so close to target and don't want to spoil that.

I'm doing Kay003's Salad Challenge this week - so that's helping - going back to class next Tues.

I've got my meals sorted till Tues next week - so I'll use ur suggestions when I plan the foll week's meals - need to keep on my toes until I get to target!! Thanks so much for ur supportxx

Ahhh your welcome anytime - I know what a struggle it is believe me lol. Ive yo yo'd for weeks now and im at class lol. I just need to knuckle down and be spot on, not have days like yesterday where I woke up not caring and had bread overload which is not like me. It usually doesnt bother me but for some reason lately iv'e "Wanted" bread. I suppose I could have been so much worse yesterday but ive been back on it today, so that makes me feel better x
..................I'm doing Kay003's Salad Challenge this week..............

I think I'm a bit late to start this now upndown and I have my weekly shop done since after work today.
I'm still a bit confused, forgive me... :eek: That thread was started 4 weeks ago - How long do you follow it for?
I think I'm a bit late to start this now upndown and I have my weekly shop done since after work today.
I'm still a bit confused, forgive me... :eek: That thread was started 4 weeks ago - How long do you follow it for?

Evening hun - the 1st Salad challenge was 4 weeks ago then Kay did the Soup challenge. She started them again last week was the soup challenge this week the salad one .

There were some fab losses first time around :D I suppose if you wanted to do it you could start it on your own and follow the principles at any time xx
Evening hun - the 1st Salad challenge was 4 weeks ago then Kay did the Soup challenge. She started them again last week was the soup challenge this week the salad one .

There were some fab losses first time around :D I suppose if you wanted to do it you could start it on your own and follow the principles at any time xx

Ah ha! I see! Thanks hun x :)
I think I'm a bit late to start this now upndown and I have my weekly shop done since after work today.
I'm still a bit confused, forgive me... :eek: That thread was started 4 weeks ago - How long do you follow it for?
Sunny here this morning - hope it is with - maybe a walk later?
I've enjoyed my weekend a bit too much this weekend after my big loss this week. Need to be 100% from now on. Il be lucky to STS on Wednesday :(
My scales were looking a little better this morning but not much - not enough to get me my target on Weds grrr just gotta keep plodding on. I made SW Doner Kebab for tea nom nom - will deffo make it again, however son wasnt impressed lol, well its not the real I am is it hehe
