Morning all! Had a good week this week, Wasn't hungry and drank lots more water and even managed to have a couple of cups of Twinnings green tea with apple and pear. I've been feeling rather bloated and It's that time of the month so I had wondered if that had anything to do with it. I had a cheeky weigh before I went to the meeting last night and according to my scales I'd stayed the same and after last week I thought mine were 1lbs out from the ones at the meeting so was expecting a gain. Lost half a pound so was very happy with that as I really thought I was going to gain. They said that you can potentially hold some water when its that special time of the month so I'm really happy it was still a little off.
Hope all of you who have yet to post had a fantastic weight in yesterday, and to those that HAVE commented already...Figured I'd do all my replies in the one post to save lots of spamming
Well this morning I'm 11stone 6 bang on so 1/2lb loss this week. I'm actually quite pleased with that as I was expecting a maintain or a gain
Week 1 11 stone 8 week 2 11 stone 6.5 Read my diary here
Well done Joanne! Had the same as you this week, It's always a brucey bonus when you get a little loss when you think you will gain

1 1/2 off for me, still 1lb to lose to get back to pre holiday weight!
Lovely week Danni!

Well done keeping positive and fingers crossed to get hit that goal next week for you

Hi everyone, I had a 1lb loss today bit disappointed as was good all week but a loss is still a loss
Well done for your Loss hun, It's easy to be disappointed, especially when you know you had a cracking week, Heres to hoping come next wednesday if you've had another great week, you might be surprised by the results

Slow and steady wins the race!
Hi everyone! Had my first weigh in this morning and only lost 1lb. Hoping it's because star week is due and that next week will be a bit better

OO star week, think I shall refer to it as that from now on lol, I was tempted to say decorators where in but was worried I'd confuse some people lol Hopefully like my weigher told me, its water retention and it might drop off next week if we have another good week *fingers crossed*

4lb lost this week sotm aswel as gettng my 11stone award
11st 3.5lbs lost in total over the moon
Absolutely amazing Jma and so inspirational!!! Well done on your loss, AND on getting SOTM ANDDDDDD On getting your 11 stone award. It gives someone like myself so much motivation. I'm in the 23's and would love to get into the 15s and it's reading people like yourself's posts that make me think its possible

1.5lb off this week meaning a loss of 12lb in 5 weeks. Just need 2 off next week for my stone award.
Well done hun! Thats fabulous!

1 lb on for me this week. I've not been well for a few days so I'm hoping that is mostly results of medication/not being as active as usual.
Well done to everyone on some fab losses!
Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending lots of hugs

Feel better hun x
1 off for me this week was hoping for 2 - but still in target so im happy, next week may be a different story ill be having 3 full days off plan as im away in York,x
Well done hun, Have a lovely 3 days in york!

well done everyone! 4lb off for me

Got my 1/2 stone award and slimmer of the week! Couldn't be happier
YAY! Well done hunny! Thats an amazing loss!!!! Congrats for your milestone AND for SOTW!

1.5lb loss for me
Well done lovely! xx
well I didn't do it this week because I stayed the same..... It's star week! :d'oh:
One year today since I walked through them doors! So glad I did!
Star week for me also! A whole year! Thats amazing

after last weeks half gain (for no reason as I had been GOOD) - I lost 3.5lb's this week - so I am happy with that. well done everyone. keep at it.
Lovely loss this week hun

Been farting around and been far too complacent for a good few weeks now so I was thrilled to be down 3 and a half tonight and even more delighted to add that little 'Half Century' Badge to my stats just now!

So fab! Well done you! xx
Hi everyone xx will b joining in order to wi on Wednesday, I'm sure I'm in good company

Welcome hun!

You are indeed in new company, Good luck for next week xx
woooo and thats all of em! lol xx