Hi, I'm new to the site and weigh in on a Wednesday so hope it's ok to hop onto this thread. This week I'm hoping for a 2lb loss which will give me my Club 10 award. My name is Terrie, I'm 38 and live in Cornwall.
Hi, I'm new to the site and weigh in on a Wednesday so hope it's ok to hop onto this thread. This week I'm hoping for a 2lb loss which will give me my Club 10 award. My name is Terrie, I'm 38 and live in Cornwall.
Hi, I'm new to the site and weigh in on a Wednesday so hope it's ok to hop onto this thread. This week I'm hoping for a 2lb loss which will give me my Club 10 award. My name is Terrie, I'm 38 and live in Cornwall.
Thanks guys, love this forum! And you have such great little things on your signatures. I must work out how to jazz mine up a bit! Not new to SW, I was going to be a consultant a few years ago but with my hubby away at sea a lot, i couldn't arrange the training schedules! I love SW, but it's important for me to go to group as as soon as i stop going, i go off the rails again. I follow EE plan and it works great for me as I love cooking and generally we (me, my hubs and 3 kids) always eat the same food although the kids have more treats than me! My hubby needs to lose weight too and just from eating with me, he has lost 2 stone since April but it's hard for him when he goes to sea as he is pretty much stuck with what they dish up and there is only one rower for the whole submarine so it gets pretty busy.
I'm 40 next September and want to get there at Target weight and feeling good about myself. I haven't had a photo of myself taken in 8 years, apart from one with my daughter for prom a couple months ago. It made me cry afterwards but it was really important to her as she has so few pics of us together because I always refuse. I'm determined that that has to change. I've also started going to the gym despite 5 weeks where i pulled my chest muscle, i've kept at it regularly and feel so much better. Thanks for such a warm welcome.
Its the first time I've used a forum so just getting my head around it all! We had a taster evening last Wednesday and I've had my shopping delivered today so I've knocked up a couple of things for the weekend. frozen mullerlight strawberry drops, a white chocolate mousse and I'm also doing a pulled pork recipe too. It can be quite hard when my hubby is away as I work full time and with 3 kids it tends to get manic at times, thats when I relied on take outs or just constant grazing on pasties, sandwiches and other unhealthy stuff. He's been home the last two months and it's helped as I've had some holiday time off too and can organise everything quite well. I have to have things I can turn to if I haven't had time to eat and I'm getting better at that now. What are your 'downfalls?'
Congrats on your nomination. You must be really proud of yourself. I guess there are new challenges to face at target weight. I understand what you mean about boredom. We would grab crisps or choc bars. NOw the football season has started again I have to be careful as I tend to get a big bag of snacks when I'm watching a match. The other week for watching some TV I made the syn free curry sauce from the Fakeaway recipe book and had that with SW chips. I've just invested in an acitfry which should be here next week. My sw consultant has said that they are great for SW roast potatoes and that is one thing I really miss on a roast dinner. I try as many recipes as I can from the book and mags, my prob is when work overruns and the kids have to be here, there and everywhere and all of a sudden it's 9pm, they're in bed and I haven't eaten! Luckily my local chinese takeaway has stopped delivering so that's one temptation gone!
I bought a year long shopping delivery pass and now just plan 3 days at a time, plan a menu, including snacks and work that way. That seems to help me.
Hi all - can I join? My weigh in is Wednesday. I've been doing SW for about 10 weeks and lost 1st 9 so far. Really enjoying it but hoped for a bit of extra motivation by jumping on here!!
Thanks hun - I am. Its taken a long time to get where im at right now and ive no intentions of going backwards. Id love an actifry but dont know if I can justify the money and apparently they take up a lot of bench space
The years delivery pass is a good idea - Ive never shopped online for food! Its great that you plan ahead and well done with the curry sauce n chips. x
I have a deep fat fryer that is on its last legs so justified the investment that way. Not really sure how big it is but will squeeze it in somewhere.
Aparr feom the odd thing I always shop online. It keeps me from temptation for a start and also with hubby being away at sea I dont fancy carting the kids around with me as that would mean even more things ending up in the trolley. I live in a small town where the only Supermarket is Waitrose which can get quite expensive for a full shop. With my delivery pass it ends up cheaper than driving to the bigger stores, especially as I have to pay a toll to go over the bridge to get there.
So arw you a target member?
I threw my deep fat frier out lol I have a proper chip pan which i use for the boys and I do SW chips/roasties for me.
I work right near the shopping centre so its easy for me to pop in after work. I know what you mean about taking the kids and more in the trolley thats wise with the pass lol.
Yes hun im at target, I reached it on 7th May the day after my birthdayjust trying to maintain now x
My SW chips just come out a bit too blonde so thought I would give this a go.
The kids aren't great when shopping but to be honest my hubby has always been worse to go with. It's only this year where he is starting to be more conscious of what he is eating which is great as it helps me not having to watch him snack on all sorts of rubbish in the evening.
What great timing for target! Thats what I'm aiming for too.
Hi all, I am new to this forum! Joined slimming world in May and I am loving the results so far! Looking forward to weigh in on Wednesdayxx